Home About FVA Volunteering Directory Contact Us News/Events supporting, developing and representing community groups, voluntary organisations, social enterprises and volunteering
Volunteering - News and Events Older, archived items that may be of interest: - Volunteer Scotland relaunches Volunteer Charter (expired) (over a year ago) - VIP Volunteering: Provost Cllr Jim Leishman MBE (expired) (over a year ago) - VIP Volunteering: Rt Hon Henry McLeish (expired) (over a year ago) - VIP Volunteering: Jenny Gilruth MSP (expired) (over a year ago) - The Queen’s Platinum Jubilee Volunteering Award (expired) (over a year ago) - Volunteer on the Free Bikes Programme Panel (expired) (over a year ago) - Volunteers needed for Picnic in the Park event (expired) (over a year ago) - Stewards needed for Langtoun Jazz Festival Jazz in The Park (expired) (over a year ago) - Bucket Collection Volunteers needed for Ukraine appeal (expired) (over a year ago) - Chest Heart and Stroke Scotland - Loch Leven Walkathon (expired) (over a year ago) - Tesco Food Collection with FareShare (expired) (over a year ago) - Find out about volunteering with Girlguiding Fife! (expired) (over a year ago) - Keeping Seafield Beach (Kirkcaldy) clean – Join them on 18 September! (expired) (over a year ago) - Join the Young Scot Climate Co-design Group (expired) (over a year ago) - Save the Children invited you to its Volunteer Open Day (expired) (over a year ago) - LINK Adult Mental Health Befriending - Virtual Volunteer Recruitment Day (expired) (over a year ago) - Loch Leven Walkathon - Volunteers Wanted (expired) (over a year ago) - Growing Generously - Food Hampers for Fife Womens Aid (expired) (over a year ago) - Keeping Seafield Beach (Kirkcaldy) clean – Join them on 22 March! (expired) (over a year ago) - Poppyscotland coming to Fife - Volunteers Needed! (expired) (over a year ago) - Fife Sports and Leisure Trust - Director of the Board (expired) (over a year ago) - Great British Spring Clean 20 March - 13 April (expired) (over a year ago) - Charity Easter Fun Day - In Aid of Scottish Charity Air Ambulance (expired) (over a year ago) - Marie Curie Great Daffodil Appeal (expired) (over a year ago) - Fife Coast and Countryside Trust - Volunteers for West Sands Beach Clean (expired) (over a year ago) - Forestry and Land Scotland - Volunteers Wanted (expired) (over a year ago) - The Trussell Trust - Volunteers needed for food collection (expired) (over a year ago) - Volunteers needed in Levenmouth for brilliant one-off, outdoor events! (expired) (over a year ago) - Data research public panel - looking for members (expired) (over a year ago) - Volunteers wanted for team challenge at Beanstalk Nursery Dunfermline (expired) (over a year ago) - Volunteers needed for Festival of Fun at Lochore Meadows (expired) (over a year ago) - Volunteers sought for Museum of Communication Exhibition in Burntisland (expired) (over a year ago) - Pop in St Andrews (expired) (over a year ago) - Spring clean for Fife’s Coastal Path (expired) (over a year ago) - Dunfermline Tours - Town Ambassadors (expired) (over a year ago) - Sainsbury's Kirkcaldy - The Yard Fife Bucket Collection (expired) (over a year ago) - StAnza - volunteers wanted to help at StAnza festival (expired) (over a year ago) - Volunteers help Fife's community gardens and projects get 'Distinction' (expired) (over a year ago) - Getting a volunteer Befriender helped me – then I volunteered too! (expired) (over a year ago) - Volunteering Really Helped My Mental Health (expired) (over a year ago) - Fife Tenant Led Scrutiny Panel recruiting volunteers (expired) (over a year ago) - Kirkcaldy Samaritans are recruiting volunteers (expired) (over a year ago) - Join Team Experience to help shape mental health and employability services (expired) (over a year ago) - Active Fife - Go for Gold (expired) (over a year ago) - National Youth Development Volunteering Team - Applications Open (expired) (over a year ago) - Community Clean Up - Seafield Beach, Kirkcaldy - Saturday 05 May (expired) (over a year ago) - Greener Kirkcaldy - Groups wanted for Kirkcaldy Walking Festival (expired) (over a year ago) - Chest, Heart and Stroke Scotland - New Store Opening in Kirkcaldy (expired) (over a year ago) - Volunteering in the Year of Young People (expired) (over a year ago) - Read (and subscribe to) the latest Volunteering in Fife Bulletin (expired) (over a year ago) - Make volunteering your New Year's resolution! (expired) (over a year ago) - Volunteering and Caring help you live longer! (expired) (over a year ago) - Recognition for volunteers! (expired) (over a year ago) - International Volunteer Day special edition volunteering bulletin (expired) (over a year ago) - Bucket collection for Scotland's Charity Air Ambulance (expired) (over a year ago) - Young Volunteers sought to shape the future of BBC Scotland (expired) (over a year ago) - Read (and subscribe to) the latest Volunteering in Fife Bulletin (expired) (over a year ago) - Call out for volunteer garden mentors (expired) (over a year ago) - Befriending Week! Read the special edition of our Volunteering in Fife bulletin (expired) (over a year ago) - Great British Beach Clean 2017 - Clean up Fife Beaches (expired) (over a year ago) - Volunteer Managers' Forum - Change of Date (expired) (over a year ago) - Volunteer Managers' Forum - Book Now! (expired) (over a year ago) - Chest Heart and Stroke Scotland (CHSS) - Roadblock Run 2017 - Event Marshalls (expired) (over a year ago) - Dunfermline volunteer honoured for service (expired) (over a year ago) - Read (and subscribe to) the latest Volunteering in Fife e-bulletin (expired) (over a year ago) - Voices of Volunteers' Week 2017 (expired) (over a year ago) - Fife volunteers recognised in Queen's Birthday Honours List (expired) (over a year ago) - The Artemis Great Kindrochit Quadrathlon Event Volunteer (expired) (over a year ago) - New Volunteering Opportunities across Fife (expired) (over a year ago) - Voluntary Arts Scotland Festival - May 2017 (expired) (over a year ago) - Free Treats for Volunteers during Spring Clean Ups (expired) (over a year ago) - Volunteer with Fife's first Pride festival - open day (expired) (over a year ago) - Fife pupil hits headlines as she becomes lifeboat volunteer (expired) (over a year ago) - How Volunteering Made a Difference to Me... (expired) (over a year ago) - Help with Volunteers in Arts Organisations (expired) (over a year ago) - Research shows Volunteers are more appealing to Employers (expired) (over a year ago) - Poppy Scotland are recruiting Poppy Appeal Collectors (expired) (over a year ago) - Do you need any Volunteers at Christmas? (expired) (over a year ago) - International Volunteer Manager's Day (expired) (over a year ago) - International Volunteer Managers' Day - One Job, Many Hats (expired) (over a year ago) - Want to be the first to find out about new volunteering opportunities in Fife? (expired) (over a year ago) - Volunteers needed to help clean up Fife (expired) (over a year ago) - Volunteers needed to help clean up Fife beaches (expired) (over a year ago) - Volunteers needed to help clean up Fife beaches (expired) (over a year ago) - Fife Youth Arts Fringe Opportunities (expired) (over a year ago) - Comrie Community Centre - Volunteer Judge for Gardening Competition (expired) (over a year ago) - Methil Gala Day - Volunteers Still needed! (expired) (over a year ago) - Crossroads Fife Central - Volunteer Befrienders (expired) (over a year ago) - Relationships Scotland Couple Counselling Fife (RSCCF) - Voluntary Board Member (expired) (over a year ago) - Fife Sports and Leisure Trust - Non-Executive Director (expired) (over a year ago) - Home-Start Dunfermline - Volunteers Required (expired) (over a year ago) - Committee member - Fife Volunteers' Social Group (expired) (over a year ago) - East Neuk Community Action Plan (ENCAP) - Community Agents Wanted (expired) (over a year ago) - East Neuk Community Action Plan (ENCAP) - Treasurer (expired) (over a year ago) - Volunteer Counsellor - Relationships Scotland Couple Counselling Fife (expired) (over a year ago) - Voluntary Board Member (expired) (over a year ago) - Make a difference this Christmas with Fareshare (expired) (over a year ago) - Marie Curie - Fundraising Group Member – Fife Wide (expired) (over a year ago) - Marie Curie - Fundraising Group Secretary (expired) (over a year ago) - Hyper Club - Kitchen Assistant (expired) (over a year ago) - Hyper Club - Activity Helpers/Assistants (expired) (over a year ago) - Hyper Club - Treasurer (expired) (over a year ago) - Gardener (expired) (over a year ago) - Social Media Volunteer - SSAFA Fife (expired) (over a year ago) - Tutor/Support with Learning - Lead Scotland (expired) (over a year ago) - Board Members - Fife Credit Union - Dunfermline & District Credit Union (expired) (over a year ago) - Administration Volunteer - Fife Credit Union - Dunfermline & District Credit Union (expired) (over a year ago) - Receptionist - Victoria Hospice Kirkcaldy (expired) (over a year ago) - Home Visiting Volunteer - Home-Start Kirkcaldy (expired) (over a year ago) - Home Visiting Volunteer - Home-Start Glenrothes (expired) (over a year ago) - Collector/Teller - Dunfermline District Credit Union (expired) (over a year ago) - Stockroom Volunteer - Children's Hospice Association Scotland (CHAS) (expired) (over a year ago) - Active Options 2 - Fife Sports and Leisure Trust (expired) (over a year ago) - 40+ Coffee Club Volunteer - Scottish Autism (expired) (over a year ago) - Casework Polish Language Support - Fife Migrants Forum (expired) (over a year ago) - Handyman - Homelands Trust (expired) (over a year ago) - Board Member/Treasurer - Fife Gingerbread (expired) (over a year ago) - Group Scout Leader - 11th Fife Scout Group (Burntisland) (expired) (over a year ago) - Front of House Volunteer - Scottish Fisheries Museum (expired) (over a year ago) - Volunteer Helper - Marie Curie Cancer Care (expired) (over a year ago) - Information and Outreach Volunteer - Action on Hearing Loss (Fife) (expired) (over a year ago) - 'Back to Bacharach' Show Volunteer Collector - Breast Cancer Now (expired) (over a year ago) - Scout Group leader - 11th Fife Group (Burntisland) (expired) (over a year ago) - Casework - Polish Language Support - Fife Migrants Forum (expired) (over a year ago) - Community Food Volunteer - Greener Kirkcaldy (expired) (over a year ago) - Information and Outreach Volunteer - Action on Hearing Loss (expired) (over a year ago) - Befriender - Leonard Cheshire Disability (expired) (over a year ago) - Treasurer - Buchaven Community Education Centre (expired) (over a year ago) - Fundraising Group Member - Marie Curie (expired) (over a year ago) - Fundraising Group Secretary - Marie Curie (expired) (over a year ago) - Administrator - Action on Elder Abuse Scotland (expired) (over a year ago) - Volunteer Trainee Counsellors - Fife Alcohol Support Service (expired) (over a year ago) - Lead/Community Volunteer - Leonard Cheshire Disability (expired) (over a year ago) - Hub Assistant Volunteer - Greener Kirkcaldy (expired) (over a year ago) - Volunteers - LINK East Fife Adult Mental Health Befriending Project (expired) (over a year ago) - Policy/Research Volunteer - Action on Elder Abuse Scotland (expired) (over a year ago) - Charity Shop Assistant - The Salvation Army (Cowdenbeath) (expired) (over a year ago) - Bric-a-Brac Volunteer - British Heart Foundation (Dunfermline) (expired) (over a year ago) - Fundraising Group Secretary - Marie Curie (expired) (over a year ago) - Fundraising Group Member - Marie Curie (expired) (over a year ago) - Befrienders - Barnardo’s Fife Volunteering Service (expired) (over a year ago) - Assistant Support Volunteers - The Thursday Club (expired) (over a year ago) - Volunteer Support Worker - Fife Alcohol Support Service (expired) (over a year ago) - Volunteer Trainee Counsellors - Fife Alcohol Support Service (expired) (over a year ago) - Volunteer Administrator - Forgan Arts Centre (expired) (over a year ago) - Home-Visiting Volunteer Preparation Course (expired) (over a year ago) - Volunteer Walk Leaders - Walk ON at Fife Libraries (expired) (over a year ago) - Non-Executive Board Members - University of St Andrews (expired) (over a year ago) - School and Youth Volunteer - British Heart Foundation (expired) (over a year ago) - St Andrews Fundraising Group - British Heart Foundation Scotland (expired) (over a year ago) - Driver - Fife Young Carers (expired) (over a year ago) - My Guide - Guide Dogs for the Blind (expired) (over a year ago) - Volunteer Café Assistant - Heathers Haven (expired) (over a year ago) - Volunteer Curling Assistants - Disabled Curlers Scotland (DICE) (expired) (over a year ago) - Volunteer Co-ordinator - Blind Activities Support Events (BASE) (expired) (over a year ago) - Board Members - Trust in Fife (expired) (over a year ago) - Summer Fun Day Volunteers (Leuchars) (expired) (over a year ago) - Summer Fun Day Volunteers (Leven) (expired) (over a year ago) - Creche Support Worker - Snowdrop Creche (expired) (over a year ago) - Volunteer Cafe Assistants - Auchtermuchty Community Centre (expired) (over a year ago) - Volunteer Youth Workshop Facilitators - Interfaith Scotland (expired) (over a year ago) - Charity Shop Assistant - The Salvation Army (expired) (over a year ago) - General Advisor - Citizens Advice and Rights Fife (Cowdenbeath) (expired) (over a year ago) - General Advisor - Citizens Advice and Rights Fife (Dunfermline) (expired) (over a year ago) - General Advisor - Citizens Advice and Rights Fife (Leven) (expired) (over a year ago) - General Advisor - Citizens Advice and Rights Fife (Glenrothes) (expired) (over a year ago) - General Advisor - Citizens Advice and Rights Fife (Kirkcaldy) (expired) (over a year ago) - Active Options 2 Volunteers - Fife Sports & Leisure Trust (expired) (over a year ago) - Volunteer Curling Assistants - Disabled Curlers Scotland DICE (expired) (over a year ago) - Volunteer Co-ordinator - Blind Activities Support Events (BASE) (expired) (over a year ago) - Rider Assistants and Leaders - Shiresmill Therapy Riding Centre (expired) (over a year ago) - Maintenance Volunteers - Shiresmill Therapy Riding Centre (expired) (over a year ago) - Volunteer Fundraiser - Shiresmill Therapy Riding Centre (expired) (over a year ago) - Support at Home Volunteers - British Red Cross (expired) (over a year ago) - Transport Support Volunteers - British Red Cross (expired) (over a year ago) - Escort/General Helper - Inverkeithing Concern for the Aged (expired) (over a year ago) - Driver - Inverkeithing Concern for the Aged (expired) (over a year ago) - Mobility Aids Volunteer - British Red Cross (expired) (over a year ago) - Volunteer Youth Workshop Facilitators - Interfaith Scotland (expired) (over a year ago) - Social Media Volunteer - Yes-U-Are Partnership (expired) (over a year ago) - Social Club Assistant - Happy Sunshine Club (expired) (over a year ago) - Mini Bus Driver - Inverkeithing Concern for the Aged (expired) (over a year ago) - Adult Uniformed Volunteer - Rosyth Sea Cadets (expired) (over a year ago) - Care Home Befriender - Orchardhead House Care Home (expired) (over a year ago) - RNIB Scotland and Sooty need you this June! (expired) (over a year ago) - Customer Equipment Assistant - Fife Shopmobility Ltd Glenrothes (expired) (over a year ago) - FareShare Fighting Hunger (expired) (over a year ago) - Befrienders - Lend a Hand (expired) (over a year ago) - Short Break Carer - Lend a Hand (expired) (over a year ago) - Volunteers - Network Rail (expired) (over a year ago) - Volunteer Male and Female Coaches - Lomond Colts (expired) (over a year ago) - Group Representative - Food Fluid and Nutritional Care in Hospitals Group (expired) (over a year ago) - Short Break Carers - Lend a Hand (expired) (over a year ago) - Befrienders - Lend a Hand (expired) (over a year ago) - Volunteer Trustees - Levenmouth Foodbank Community Support Project (expired) (over a year ago) - Customer Equipment Assistant - Fife Shopmobility (expired) (over a year ago) - Volunteer Board Members - Crossroads Fife Central (expired) (over a year ago) - Unit Leaders or Helpers- Girlguiding Fife (expired) (over a year ago) - Board Member - Fife Young Carers (expired) (over a year ago) - Room Guide - National Trust for Scotland – Falkland Palace (expired) (over a year ago) - Café Assistant - National Trust for Scotland – Hill of Tarvit (expired) (over a year ago) - Café Assistant - National Trust for Scotland – Kellie Castle (expired) (over a year ago) - Read your way into the record books - A Guinness World Record Event (expired) (over a year ago) - Board Members - Trust in Fife (expired) (over a year ago) - Board Member - Methilhill Community Children's Initiative (expired) (over a year ago) - Race Marshalls - Fife Olympiad (expired) (over a year ago) - First Aider/Physio - Crossgates Primrose JFC (expired) (over a year ago) - Groundperson - Crossgates Primrose JFC (expired) (over a year ago) - Ceres Highland Games support - Ceres Highland Games Limited (expired) (over a year ago) - Homelands Trust-Fife seeks a new Chair (expired) (over a year ago) - Complementary Therapist - MND Scotland (expired) (over a year ago) - Day Centre Volunteer - Tayport Day Centre for the Elderly (expired) (over a year ago) - Move More Walk Leaders - Fife Sports and Leisure Trust (expired) (over a year ago) - Coffee Morning Assistant - Balfour Court Resident Group (expired) (over a year ago) - Mini Bus Driver - Options in Life (expired) (over a year ago) - Treasurer - LINK East Fife Mental Health Befriending Project (expired) (over a year ago) - Mobility Aids Volunteer - British Red Cross (Fife Branch) (expired) (over a year ago) - Administrative Assistant - Scottish Church Heritage Research Limited (expired) (over a year ago) - Funding Support Assistant - Scottish Church Heritage Research Limited (expired) (over a year ago) - Riding Group Support Volunteer - Riding for the Disabled Association (St Andrews) (expired) (over a year ago) - Administrator - Fife Folk Museum Trust (expired) (over a year ago) - Facilities Management - Fife Folk Museum Trust (expired) (over a year ago) - Shop Volunteers and Till Operators - British Red Cross (expired) (over a year ago) - Shop and Information Centre Assistant - Sunny Harbour Cat and Kitten Rescue (expired) (over a year ago) - Cat Care Assistant - Sunny Harbour Cat and Kitten Rescure (expired) (over a year ago) - Music Tutor - Strike a Chord (expired) (over a year ago) - Match Buddies - Dunfermline Athletic Football Club (DAFC) (expired) (over a year ago) - Board Members - Trust in Fife (expired) (over a year ago) - Catering Assistant at Olive Branch Community Café (expired) (over a year ago) - Steering Group Member - Methilhill Community Children's Initiative (MCCI) (expired) (over a year ago) - Volunteer Youth Workers - YMCA Glenrothes (expired) (over a year ago) - Board Trustees - YMCA Glenrothes (expired) (over a year ago) - Treasurer - LINK East Fife Mental Health Befriending Project (expired) (over a year ago) - Listening Volunteers - Samaritans Kirkcaldy and District (expired) (over a year ago) - Trustee/Secretary - IncludeME (expired) (over a year ago) - Volunteer Trustees - Fife Women's Aid (expired) (over a year ago) - Home Visiting Volunteers - Home-Start Kirkcaldy (expired) (over a year ago) - Volunteer Youth Worker - Penumbra Youth Project (expired) (over a year ago) - Unit Leader or Assistant Leader - Girl Guides (expired) (over a year ago) - Group Facilitator - The Linda Tremble Foundation (expired) (over a year ago) - Fundraisers - The Linda Tremble Foundation (expired) (over a year ago) - Community Group Volunteer - Fife Gingerbread (expired) (over a year ago) - New Board Members - Drug and Alcohol Project Limited (DAPL) (expired) (over a year ago) - Treasurer - Home-Start East Fife (expired) (over a year ago) - Volunteer Shop Assistant - Sunrise Africa Relief (expired) (over a year ago) - Secretary - Oakley Community Centre, Management Committee (expired) (over a year ago) - Board Director - Urban Therapy Limited (expired) (over a year ago) - Board Members - Fife Young Carers (expired) (over a year ago) - Volunteer Trustees - Kingdom Abuse Survivors Project (KASP) (expired) (over a year ago) - Adult Helper - Girls Brigade (expired) (over a year ago) Suggest an update/report an error/enquire about this page
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