supporting, developing and representing community groups,
voluntary organisations, social enterprises and volunteering

Grants awarded

  • All recipients of funding from the Communities Mental Health and Wellbeing Fund in Fife will be listed below

    This table is automatically updated whenever an applicant organisation signs the grant award contract. There may be projects not yet listed below that have been provisionally awarded funds but have not yet completed the legal formalities.

    The project summary detailed below has been created by Fife Voluntary Action to give a broad taste of that project's intentions. It does not form part of our agreement with the relevant award recipient.

    Click on an entry for further information

    Year 1 | Year 2

    Organisation Project Awarded
    Abercrombie & St Monans Residents Association St Monans Community Larder £4,954
    Summary: This project is a continuation from year one and invites local residents into a warm and safe space at the Town Hall to chat and make friends. During these sessions they will be provided with food and support where needed and requested. They have expanded what they offer to also include a bread and soup facility which will be available between October and March and also a clothes Swap Shop organised by local volunteers who make available clean, attractive and usable items for all seasons.
    Areas supported: North East Fife |
    Anim8s Seasonal Story Makers £12,082
    Summary: Anim8s will engage parents who attend Fife Gingerbread in a creative process towards the creation of a series of printed and digital storybooks on the theme of a working-class Christmas. Parents facing disadvantage & loneliness will explore how they feel disenfranchised by the commercialisation of Christmas and will go on to create a meaningful alternative Christmas resource that will have a relevance beyond the life of the project activity. They aim to address this by allowing parents to create a story for their times, one they and their children recognise. Parents and children enjoying reading together. The project will involve a core group of 12 parents during April - October 2023
    Areas supported: Cowdenbeath & Lochgelly |
    Arden House Projects Saturday Daycare Service £14,500
    Summary: This project operates its day centre facilities from Monday - Friday and on this basis is normally able to cater for 125 attendees per week. In order to provide support for as many individuals as possible, places are allocated strictly on a need’s basis, with only the most vulnerable service users being allocated a second weekly slot. Despite this approach, it is clear that local demand for day centre places continues to outstrip resources. Through this funding, this is enabling them to include a full Saturday service to be delivered to 10 additional individuals for the whole 42-week term of the project. This project is aimed at the elderly.
    Areas supported: Levenmouth |
    Brag Enterprises Ltd Together Levenmouth Bingo Buddies/Benefits & energy & digital support £44,000
    Summary: This is a continuation of a year 1 project; they offer a weekly game of bingo that has 3 sessions. Each session allows for up to 20 people and as well as 2 games of bingo, they receive refreshments, and their travel is also included. The sessions are facilitated by a dedicated member of staff and a volunteer. This project is aimed at the elderly and those suffering from isolation. The hub is on the High Steet in Leven. They also offer support for the elderly who have issues understanding what benefits they are entitled to and not having the required soft skills to know where to start, digital skills are often needed to apply for benefits and are used to keep family close. They have partnered up with Cosy Kingdom and YMCA to help alleviate these barriers.
    Areas supported: Levenmouth |
    Breathe easy Fife (SCIO) Come together for well-being £6,176
    Summary: The come together for well-being project is to help the current and new members to improve their mental health and well-being by reducing social isolation, motivating them to get fitter, and gain confidence to join in with society again. This is also a peer mentoring project, encouraging, and enabling members to help others. This will include social opportunities such as bringing members from all 4 Fife groups together with speakers and entertainment. Monthly exercise sessions where a fitness coach with training in lung health put on a class at each group prior to the usual monthly meetings. Finally, there will be a befriending service where members who are struggling with isolation and confidence will be linked with a befriender.
    Areas supported: Dunfermline | Kirkcaldy | Levenmouth | North East Fife |
    Brighter Futures Health Hub Hope, Health & Happiness - Enhancing Quality of Life for People in Need £11,671
    Summary: This project is a continuation of a funded project from year 1, where they will continue to offer this project that will address public health and health inequalities with the main focus being to improve and sustain positive mental health and wellbeing. The community facility offers a wide range of activities including interactive workshops, 1-1 health consultations, social & leisure activities, moral & emotional support, clinical & support services, befriending and early intervention services. They reach out to those who have been shielding, self-isolating, socially isolated, and lonely over the last 19 months. Support & medical services will include alternative therapies, physiotherapy, asthma care, podiatry, ear health, coping with depression, managing stress & anxiety workshops, occupational health, educational and personal development modules. There will be a weekly timetable and all activities listed above will be offered. They are open 6 days per week from 8.30am to 6pm and they will also be holding 3 educational events over the year.
    Areas supported: Glenrothes |
    Byre Theatre Memory Spinners Fife £8,500
    Summary: Performing arts project is available for people with dementia and their carer’s in partnership with Scottish Opera and Laidlaw Music Centre. They have developed Memory Spinners Fife, a project delivering a weekly creative arts experience with a particular focus on music, movement, and art. The group meet weekly in St Andrews and the programme helps them to relax, get creative and form new support networks. They have professional singers, musicians, and artists to support with the delivery. They have the opportunity to share memories that are then incorporated into a relaxed performance for friends and family.
    Areas supported: North East Fife |
    Citizens Advice and Rights Fife Making it Work for Lone Parents £14,909
    Summary: Making it Work for Lone Parents (MIWLP) is a project which supports lone parents progress towards employment, education, or training. This is a partnership approach which includes Citizens Advice & Rights Fife (CARF) and Fife Gingerbread (FG) working collaboratively. This includes three stages: 1. Engage: reaching isolated lone parents furthest removed from employability to build confidence. 2. Support: empowering lone parents on their journey towards work to overcome barriers, realise their strengths and achieve goals. 3. Progress: supporting lone parents to find a healthy work, life and family balance to move forwards in their career and overcome in work poverty. This is delivered in Cowdenbeath, Glenrothes, Levenmouth and Southwest Fife areas. They also run some additions support such as the Teatime Clubs and workshops based around income maximisation and budgeting.
    Areas supported: Cowdenbeath & Lochgelly | Glenrothes | Levenmouth | South West Fife |
    Clued Up Project Making it work for Families (Activities, group work, Resdiential) £9,010
    Summary: MIWF is a partnership project between Clued Up, Fife Gingerbread, CARF and FIRST, providing whole family support for vulnerable families affected by substance use. This is delivered through a proactive, holistic, and flexible support approach working with families in an asset-based way to enable all family members to reduce barriers and progress individuals on their own journey to reach their full potential. There are 6 workers who provide one to one support, group work programmes, tea time clubs, family learning, and family activities. A youth forum and adult forum was established to create an environment where the families can coproduce with the workers on what activities will be on offer and have their say about local delivery. Through the funding this year there will be a variety of whole family activities including a residential experience to Scott lodge, a purpose build outdoor Centre in the beautiful Angus Glens on the east bank of the River South Esk at the head of Glen Doll. The activities will be available to all families involved in the project. The activities will include being outdoors and the trips will be focusing on mindfulness, wellbeing, team building, building relationships, and fun.
    Areas supported: Kirkcaldy | Levenmouth |
    Corrie Centre Senior Citizens Social Club Better together £6,820
    Summary: This is a continuation of a year 1 funded project, which will deliver 48 weekly sessions running from January through to December 2023. These sessions will continue to offer people so many positives, improve their mental health and their general sense of wellbeing. The participants from last year said the sessions were something to look forward to, a chance to meet up with friends and share memories, problems, feel welcomed and valued as well as supported by others. They will continue to welcome new members who face hardship and barriers to participation and who by attending can improve their mental health and well-being. At the sessions they will be provided with refreshments as a means of encouraging social interaction and strengthening their feeling of being valued and connected, activities such as bingo, arts and crafts and a buddy system which supports those less able. They also have day trips for members and carers to give them something to look forward to and to reengage with society.
    Areas supported: Cowdenbeath & Lochgelly |
    Crossroads Fife Mental Health & Wellbeing Champion £14,999
    Summary: This is a continuation of a funded project from year 1, available is a Mental Health and Wellbeing Champion who supports staff and is a point of contact for helping to support and signpost individual services users and their carers through staff. The training has expanded into the befriending group that is run for people in Fife who are isolated following covid, volunteers will be able to identify relevant support and how this can be accessed. This year they will provide an additional 10 hours per week specifically dedicated to Mental Health & Wellbeing in the befriending services, access Mental Health & Wellbeing training for volunteers, the champion delivers training to all support workers, volunteers, and any newly recruited volunteers & staff. Regular updates to staff/volunteers, build relationships with other organisations to signpost services, support service users to physically access/attend group activities. This project will support and benefit people from multiple groups as the services users/carers the organisation supports are people with long term health conditions or disabilities, diagnosed mental health issues, experienced loss or bereavement, minority ethnic background and older people. The intended outcome is to continue to develop a culture of improved mental wellbeing.
    Areas supported: Cowdenbeath & Lochgelly | Glenrothes | Kirkcaldy | Levenmouth | North East Fife |
    Cruse Scotland Bereavement Support Bereavement support for adults in Fife £8,100
    Summary: This project will increase bereavement support services in Fife which aim to improve the mental health and wellbeing of adults struggling to cope with grief and additional barriers such as the cost-of-living crisis. There will be 6 fortnightly community-based group sessions delivered face-to-face in Kirkcaldy, Glenrothes, Methil and Dunfermline. Step-by-Step groups include walking groups & meet-ups. 50 Early support sessions for 30 adults in the first 6 months of bereavement. Sessions take place online in a one-to-one setting with an experienced volunteer who is trained in identifying risk of suicide and trauma. 375 One to one support sessions. The trained volunteers will work with 70 adults to help them understand their emotions, address issues having a detrimental effect on their lives and gain confidence to achieve personal goals, e.g., talking to friends, going to work, and pursuing careers. There is a free helpline & webchat service giving 370 people immediate support and information. Through the initial contact via the helpline information packs are issued, which contain self-help information for bereaved people as well as guidance on how to access further support from Cruse Scotland and relevant partner agencies.
    Areas supported: Dunfermline | Glenrothes | Kirkcaldy | South West Fife |
    Curnie clubs Flourish with Nature Programme £40,114
    Summary: This is a continuation of a year 1 project. Six Curnie Clubs will help Members access nature and explore their own and each other’s local areas to help improve mental health. They will practice commonly problematic issues, i.e., accessing public places and utilizing public transport. The project will serve as an extension to the Stage 3 Mindset Group. For those ready, it will help them access local nature spots with staff and peer support with regards to previously mentioned issues. It will run for 15 weeks and will include walks with sit-spot invitations and nature-based workshops. Each participant will be provided with a waterproof sit-spot pad and sit-spot journal.
    Areas supported: Cowdenbeath & Lochgelly | Dunfermline | Glenrothes | Kirkcaldy | Levenmouth | North East Fife |
    Deafblind Scotland Don't Worry Be Happy £9,593
    Summary: The Don’t Worry, Be Happy project will enable Deafblind Scotland to have tools, resources, and a model of support to ensure every contact the Guide/Communicators have with the Deafblind people in Fife is psychologically informed and one that counts in ensuring members experience a better quality of mental health, including supporting referrals to specialist support if required. The project offers deafblind people an equitable approach to improving their mental health through accessible phone/home-based one to one sessions - mental health brief interventions, advice/support. Participants will be provided with home-based self-care information/support. Additionally monthly, participants will be offered digital health and wellbeing get togethers via Zoom. Topics for the get togethers will include - healthy foods to improve your mood, gentle exercise, mindfulness etc. These monthly sessions will be delivered by qualified instructors experienced in working with people with sensory loss.
    Areas supported: Cowdenbeath & Lochgelly | Dunfermline | Glenrothes | Kirkcaldy | Levenmouth | North East Fife | South West Fife |
    Dunfermline Advocacy Community Connections- Citizen Advocacy in West Fife £9,841
    Summary: This project has received funding for additional Development Worker hours to support 50 people in West Fife over a six-month period from January 2023. They plan to support 40 people in 20 Citizen Advocacy partnerships- 20 vulnerable adults in West Fife matched with a volunteer (20 local people), and an additional 10 vulnerable adults not matched with a volunteer. The Development Worker will provide regular, at least monthly, support to the 20 partnerships, and provide direct advocacy support to the additional 10 vulnerable people. These meetings will be a mix of in person and remote meetings and will involve social activities along with more formal advocacy support, activities that will support people to be better connected (reduce loneliness and isolation) and to build confidence and have their voice heard.
    Areas supported: Cowdenbeath & Lochgelly | Dunfermline | South West Fife |
    Dunnikier Park Community Golf Park Golf - Community Roll Out £7,400
    Summary: This is a continuation of a Year 1 project, Park Golf, is a new fun game aimed at enhancing physical and mental health and wellbeing across a wide range of vulnerable adult groups, irrespective of their age or ability. They have had participating groups from Alzheimer Scotland, The Curnie Club, Salvation Army, Nourish Support Centre, Phoenix Futures, Sporting Memories, Walk and Talk. Playing Park Golf enhances physical and mental health and wellbeing, reduces isolation, and builds confidence, whilst having fun. To expand to more people, they will have a community roll-out taking the game to local areas such as care homes and sheltered housing complexes, installing around 3 flags/holes at 6 or more locations. These offering residents the opportunity to play Park Golf on their doorstep in a communal grass area where they stay, offering free sessions. All sessions are hosted by volunteers and players meet up for refreshments and a social chat after their game.
    Areas supported: Kirkcaldy |
    ENABLE Scotland ENABLE Scotland ACE £14,900
    Summary: They have successfully established a group of adults with learning disabilities in the city and supported them to overcome issues related to COVID-recovery, mental health, and isolation. They deliver several ACE groups each month, hosted in Glenrothes, Kirkcaldy and Cupar community facilities and supporting 25 individuals with learning disabilities. They will continue these groups, engaging a further 40 adults and young people with a learning disability who live across Fife. They focus on using Fife's community assets to improve their physical and mental wellbeing as well as participation within their communities. They plan to introduce a Family Connect group to support family carers and to support networking of families and organisations who support people who have a learning disability in Fife.
    Areas supported: Glenrothes | Kirkcaldy |
    EQUAL VOICE Equal Voice - Elevate Project £39,100
    Summary: This project is for a part-time worker to work with vulnerable adults who have a learning/physical disability/chronic illness/or enduring mental health. As a result of the pandemic, these vulnerable adults have suffered more than others due to lockdown. This an extension to current provision helping the hard-to-reach community. For each referral they will support them to compile a comprehensive Wellness plan, identifying personal goals to help address the impact of Covid 19 and support them to emerge from the pandemic. This would be done by signposting to help, advice and support, closely working and liaising with other referral partners.
    Areas supported: Glenrothes | Kirkcaldy | Levenmouth |
    Express Group Fife Levenmouth Express Group £1,795
    Summary: Express Group Fife currently run eleven weekly groups across Fife from St Andrews to Inverkeithing, they are introducing this provision to Levenmouth. It will follow the same format of their existing groups. They run from 9.30 until 1.00pm, participants receive a simple breakfast. Refreshments are available throughout the duration of the group. Finally, a simple cooked lunch. The participants decide the activities they wish to take part in. This includes bingo, chatting with other participants or staff and volunteers, arts and crafts or board games, but the key principle is that those attending decide what they want to do.
    Areas supported: Levenmouth |
    Fairway Fife Community Re-engagement Project £10,500
    Summary: This project is extending a current project, community re-engagement and mental health recovery project for adults, aged 16+, with disabilities, working with 20 additional adults with disabilities. This giving them meaningful experiences and rebuild their mental health. The staff and volunteers will be working with small groups of 4 adults with disabilities per day and they will be doing these 5 days per week. The focus will be on reintegrating these individuals, who have become reclusive and withdrawn, with normal community experiences and regular activity that furthers the restoration of their mental wellbeing.
    Areas supported: Dunfermline |
    Falkland Stewardship Trust Wellbeing with Woodworking £5,720
    Summary: Many people from all over Fife visit Falkland Estate for their wellbeing and better health. This includes older people and those who are unable to walk very far. They have recognised that the number of benches they have on the Estate is limited. They have a group from FIRST (Drug and Alcohol Addiction Support Fife) looking to engage with them on the Estate to better their mental health. This project will offer them a series of training days in the Woodland Hub facility, located in the tranquillity of the woodlands. This space fully equipped with hand tools and teaching benches to offer woodworking sessions. They will work with qualified woodworkers, to create benches for the public. The sessions will teach various techniques including design, health, and safety around using hand tools, joinery, construction and installation. Benches will then be installed in the Estate for the benefit of the community.
    Areas supported: North East Fife |
    Falling UP Together Falling UP Living in Art £41,050
    Summary: Falling UP Together will deliver individual and group art collaborations to primarily support persons with mental health diagnoses, to nurture creativity and positive mental wellbeing. Through differentiated structures participants will be empowered to contribute to culture and local community. This will be achieved through running collaborative art projects between artistic mentors and participants, both studio-based at Fire Station Creative, Dunfermline, and outdoors at Silverburn Park, Leven. Projects will provide artistic activities to develop participants' confidence, self-esteem and increase artistic proficiency through the creative process. Participants will be mentored towards an artistic contribution to an exhibition, and digital representation of artworks online.
    Areas supported: Cowdenbeath & Lochgelly | Dunfermline | Glenrothes | Levenmouth |
    Families Outside Supporting improved mental health and wellbeing outcomes for Fife families affected by imprisonment £9,414
    Summary: Families Outside is the only charity providing a specific service provision with specialised knowledge and skillsets to support families affected by imprisonment. They are providing face-to-face community support by their Regional Family Support Coordinator (RFSC) supporting as many of the up 500 families that can be affected by imprisonment of a loved one in Fife at any given time. Imprisonment of a loved one has a negative impact on the social, emotional, financial, educational development of a family, leading to disadvantage, exclusion, and risk of offending.
    Areas supported: Cowdenbeath & Lochgelly | Dunfermline | Glenrothes | Kirkcaldy | Levenmouth | North East Fife | South West Fife |
    FEAT Trading Community Interest Company Silverburn Staycations £10,000
    Summary: The Silverburn Park Campsite offers a tranquil location for people to get away, relax in beautiful surroundings, benefiting mental health and wellbeing. Exclusive access to the glamping pods during 3 weekdays per week over a 12-week period and given to other local organisations supporting disadvantaged individuals and families. Specific organisations have agreed to provide vouchers to their service users to take up this opportunity. They will block-reserve the eco-pods over this period as well as providing a home-cooked meal from the Park's Cottage Window Cafe.
    Areas supported: Levenmouth |
    Fife Centre for Equalities Minority Ethnic 60+ Project £10,000
    Summary: The grant will enable ME60+ project to employ a befriending operational assistant. The ME60+ project currently has three multi-lingual operational assistants supporting over 150 minority ethnic older people across Fife. Each assistant works 14 hours per week, and they are already struggling with maintaining contact with the minority ethnic older people as well as organising support for the older people from other agencies. An additional staff member is available who can concentrate on developing the following: 1. A befriender pack 2. Recruit volunteers 3. Organise and Conduct training 4. Match volunteer with relevant older person. The new staff member has a good community knowledge to help attract volunteers from minority ethnic backgrounds. The funding from National Lottery Community Fund is restricted to employ the three existing operational assistants.
    Areas supported: Cowdenbeath & Lochgelly | Dunfermline | Glenrothes | Kirkcaldy | Levenmouth | North East Fife | South West Fife |
    Fife Gingerbread Lone Parents Social Creative Workshops £4,300
    Summary: As part of a mental health and wellbeing recovery programme, the community allotment will assist with providing a one-off event for the lone parents to boost their mental health. This will be a great opportunity for clients to acknowledge, process and move forward with any issues that have been weighing on their mind. The artistic opportunities are endless from individual projects to community projects. The allotment opportunity will provide both physical and mental benefits by being outside. They will grow vegetables and herbs that they can use at Christmas time and have a home-grown element to their Christmas dinner.
    Areas supported: Cowdenbeath & Lochgelly | Glenrothes | Kirkcaldy | Levenmouth |
    Fifers for the Community Covid Recovery through improving Leven together £15,000
    Summary: This is a continuation of a year 1 project that was a direct response to the chronic impact Covid has had on the mental health and wellbeing of individuals, groups, businesses, and voluntary organisations in Levenmouth. The post holder will continue to, through collaborative working, help coordinate better use of resources, training, delivery and buildings of the health agencies, businesses, educational facilities, and voluntary groups delivering wellbeing and mental health support to those who have suffered most from the pandemic in the Levenmouth area. They will continue to host forums, training sessions and provide direct support. Operate and update daily Facebook and Twitter account highlighting the services available and offering links to online help and support for visitors to the social media pages.
    Areas supported: Levenmouth |
    Forgan Arts Centre FAC Artist In Residence Mental Health and Wellbeing Programme £8,777
    Summary: Forgan Arts Centre will commence an Associate Artist in Residence programme with world-renowned dance artist and choreographer Fleur Darkin. Through a community co-designed collaborative programme with statutory services, will present a programme of opportunities for members of the local community that support good mental health and physical wellbeing. The year-long programme centres access for all and provides multiple entry points for individuals and existing community groups incl.: 1) Creative Movement Practice Led by dance artists, this session is for movers of all ages and abilities. Taking movement beyond traditional dance or aerobics, this class support individuals to develop their own self-led dance practice and how to devise new choreography and movement. 2) (Daily) Donder Utilising the beautiful woodland surroundings and gardens of Forgan Arts Centre, Fleur Darkin and FAC volunteers will lead a series of walks using the natural environment as a resource.
    Areas supported: North East Fife |
    Frontline Fife Working title is 'Em Powering - Difference' We wish project participants to determine the formal project title. £15,501
    Summary: This project is aimed at clients who are likely to be considered as neurodivergent, they are at risk of excluding and limiting their engagement with homelessness services and at worst, unintentionally reinforcing personal and social barriers to gaining the support they need. This project will harness the views and testimonies of those with living experience of the homeless system in Fife who are or are considered to be neurodivergent to identify and reshape current delivery practice which is meaningful to them. In doing so, they intend to reshape the delivery to improve client engagement thereby creating opportunities for them to receive and ask for services that work for them and reduce barriers to engagement; improve staff's understanding and practice which takes account of neurodivergent needs, and take initial steps to pull together resources to sustain inclusive practices for others to benefit from.
    Areas supported: Dunfermline | Kirkcaldy | Levenmouth |
    Furniture Plus Ltd Health and Wellbeing Woodwork Workshops £10,000
    Summary: Previously this organisation held a 10-week workshop working in partnership with Fife Council Community Based Adult Learning. They provided attendees with free use of their wood workshop. It was attended by 10 adult learners each week, in some cases with support needs, the workshop taught them new skills in woodworking and woodturning. All the material used in the workshop was reuse items such as pallets, bed slats, and scrap wood. The feedback they received and the request for further activities such as this has been vast. They are going to repeat this workshop, with two courses per week and would particularly wish to reach out to those with mental health or physical disabilities. They will employ a team leader to run the course and ideally the person who ran the last course, delivering it with the expertise and business model that is tried and tested.
    Areas supported: Kirkcaldy |
    Gallatown Gala and Community Group Caring Communities £14,879
    Summary: This project will have 3 assistant posts for people with lived experience. Food Resilience worker, supporting the community to build food resilience, through increasing skills around cooking, food on a budget, supporting community lunches etc. Parent support worker will support with individuals demonstrating low parenting skills, confidence, and esteem. They will provide MH support to parents while their children develop through play. Liaise with local schools to identify parents needing support. Work with and support volunteers who are running toddler groups. Help establish a peer support network for local parents. Volunteer development worker will look to improve, support and development the younger staff and volunteers, many affected by low confidence/esteem and poor MH- which has been heightened significantly by the pandemic.
    Areas supported: Kirkcaldy |
    Greener Kirkcaldy Let’s Grow Together £9,997
    Summary: There are volunteer sessions running, growing workshops and community events at the community garden at Ravenscraig Walled Garden since 2012. The volunteers develop and maintain the garden, grow food, and improve biodiversity by creating wildlife habitats. Social isolation, loneliness and mental health issues are especially high post-covid and people are looking for ways to regain confidence and social contact. The project will deliver: - Weekly volunteer sessions for 30 volunteers, trialling different days and times to reach people who will most benefit - Training and support for volunteers, to develop their knowledge, skills and confidence and empower them to take on more responsibility - 3 volunteer-led community events, inviting people of all ages to connect locally, inspire new people to get involved and showcase the garden and volunteer achievements The project will also support local community food provision by growing fruit and vegetables to be used in the community meals and community pantry.
    Areas supported: Kirkcaldy |
    Grow West Fife SCIO Growing New Friendships £26,000
    Summary: Grow West Fife is a volunteer-led project formed in lockdown at an abandoned walled garden to grow fruit and vegetables for those in food poverty, promote home and community growing, and nurture friendships. Since April 2020, they restored a one-acre site, reconnected water pipes, installed a toilet, built a polytunnel, delivered weekly fruit, vegetables, and recipes bags to community pantries in Kincardine, High Valleyfield and Oakley. They launched a Tatty Grow Bag giveaway scheme for 100 new growers and grew there Facebook group membership from 40 to more than 400 engaged members, 34 of whom are active volunteers. They will now welcome more people and groups and offer somewhere to shelter, rest and chat over tea and cook the food they have grown. There will be workshops on how to turn the veg into delicious, nutritious, low-cost meals. They will install, fit, and equip the kitchen shed ready to welcome new volunteers at the start of the Spring 2022 growing season.
    Areas supported: Dunfermline | South West Fife |
    Home-Start Cowdenbeath Area Eatwell, Feelwell and Reconnect £10,015
    Summary: This is a year 1 project and as they are now working their way to a new "normal" coming out of the pandemic, they aim to sustain the Resilience Worker's remit in working with Mums who have given birth in lockdown and in this uncertain aftermath. These mums have experienced the Psychological Trauma of giving birth during the Pandemic and in the current uncertain times they face and as a result are experiencing mild to moderate mental health issues. It continues to be recognised that this group can/are experiencing mild to moderate mental health issues. They would not require specialist Mental health statutory support but are recognised by Health professionals to be experiencing mental health issues and are feeling very isolated, lonely, and very stressed about their own and their babies and toddlers’ well-being.
    Areas supported: Cowdenbeath & Lochgelly |
    Home-Start East Fife Home-Start East Fife £10,330
    Summary: Home-Start East Fife will offer 1-1 support from staff and/or volunteer on a fortnightly/weekly basis for parents with young children who are socially and/or geographically isolated. The support will be a mixture of phone calls, online video calls and face to face visits. The focus will be on assisting parents to become more socially connected within their community to enable sustainable long-term reduction in feelings of isolation and loneliness which often will lead to low mood, depression, poor confidence, and self-esteem. This is an expansion of their existing support for families, so they will be offering support to 10 families who have identified as socially and/or geographically isolated.
    Areas supported: North East Fife |
    Hourglass (safer Ageing) Community Response - Safer Ageing Support Service £13,475
    Summary: At Hourglass, they believe that prevention is critical in tackling the societal issue of abuse of older people. Certain life circumstances can make some older people more susceptible to abuse, including isolation, loneliness, difficulty accessing services, lack of home security, digital exclusion, poor physical or mental wellbeing. Their trained SASS volunteers work with beneficiaries to identify risk factors in the person’s life and to co-produce an individual support plan that addresses those factors. The individual support plan incorporates a time-limited period of regular (i.e., weekly) phone calls or home visits with people and assess their safety and welfare, provide safer ageing guidance, and signpost to local services for further support as needed or requested. The volunteer who is ideally from the same community to facilitate common understanding and friendship acts as an intermediary between the older person and local support services.
    Areas supported: Cowdenbeath & Lochgelly | Dunfermline | Glenrothes | Kirkcaldy | Levenmouth | North East Fife | South West Fife |
    Include Me Exploring Communities Together £6,820
    Summary: Exploring Communities Together is a new project that will enabling Volunteer Advocates and their Advocacy Partners (Advocacy Partnerships) to share experiences, access and explore alternative activities; re-engage with their communities; increase their leisure activities and to build on their relationships with each other and with the wider community. These activities may be ones that they have not been able to access since COVID-19 and are now finding it difficult, due to the impact of isolation, lack of confidence and deterioration in social skills, as well as the increasing cost of living.
    Areas supported: North East Fife |
    Kennoway Community Shed Kennoway Community Shed Connections £12,500
    Summary: They will be handing out meals to 60 Shed members which will be in plastic containers and bagged. The meals will be different every week. They are looking at the meals going on for twelve weeks during the colder parts off the year, where the members might be struggling with bills etc. With various homemade soups, stovies, curry, or pasta then natural yoghurt and fresh fruit and a cake or scone. Due to Covid and not having a regular two days on a Tuesday and Friday They are open Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday with less people on each day. The meals will be ready on a Friday to takeaway and will be prepared by a local caterer and the cakes supplied by a local Shop both from Kennoway. The other money is to go towards wood, metal, tools, and arts & crafts materials thus will help with the members to keep being active and interact in the sessions, also the feel-good factor off achieving something made or assisting with, a purpose to get up for in the morning and feel good within themselves.
    Areas supported: Glenrothes | Levenmouth | North East Fife |
    kindred Advocacy Kindred Fife £10,000
    Summary: Looking after a child with a serious, complex or life limiting health condition brings enormous demands for parents, very often completely out of the blue. The emotional energy needed to understand and come to terms with a complex diagnosis, combined with the practicalities of a sudden drop in income because a parent can no longer work can be overwhelming. This is where Kindred steps in, providing practical and emotional support to enable parents to ensure the best possible future for their child. The Fife team based in Dunfermline covers the whole of Fife. The team has two staff, Linda and Lindsay who provide the following support to families of children with complex needs. The team offer support with the following: Applications for trust grant funds for specialist equipment and grants required for caring, assistance with applying for benefits such as Disability Living Allowance, advocacy support for statutory meetings with health including Child and Adolescent Mental Health (CAMHS), social work, education and housing, Informal parent support groups. One of the most important roles for their staff is to provide a listening ear, as many families simply appreciate someone to talk to and staff can meet with families over the telephone.
    Areas supported: Cowdenbeath & Lochgelly | Dunfermline | Glenrothes | Kirkcaldy |
    Kingdom Abuse Survivors Project (KASP) Young People Counselling Service £26,000
    Summary: This is a continuation of a year 1 project, KASP has 2 qualified and experienced counsellors delivering 1:1 therapeutic counselling and support to young people between the ages of 16 and 25 who live in Fife and who have experienced childhood sexual abuse. They continue to fast-track young people into the service and enable them to get the support when they need it rather than waiting on a lengthy waiting list. One to one counselling and support will include crisis support and psychoeducation enabling clients to reduce/eliminate the symptoms of trauma caused by CSA. Effective counselling can impact positively on individual's relationships.
    Areas supported: Cowdenbeath & Lochgelly | Dunfermline | Glenrothes | Kirkcaldy | Levenmouth | North East Fife | South West Fife |
    Kingdom Vineyard (Storehouse is an activity of KV) Evening drop-in session £5,505
    Summary: Currently Storehouse runs Foodbank drop-in sessions from 11am to 1pm on Tuesdays and Thursdays. Whilst this serves those who can access their services during daytime hours, they are aware of a need for those who are in work, but still require the help of a Foodbank, to be able to access their service outside of daytime working hours. To assess the extent of this need, they intend to run a 6-month pilot of weekly evening sessions of Storehouse. (This will include publicity efforts to make the community aware of the new additional opening hours). In order to do this, they need to expand the hours of the staff team that they can; organise volunteer rotas, train new volunteers, run new sessions, communicate changes to current clients, and to communicate their new availability to unreached groups.
    Areas supported: North East Fife |
    Kirkcaldy Community Gardens & Allotments CIC Growing with Veterans £8,987
    Summary: This project aims to support mainly, veterans who suffer mental health problems often linked to difficulties in adjusting to civilian life, loneliness, and isolation. Their mental health can be improved through growing, gardening and developing outdoor spaces. They will have group activities, participants will grow in confidence, integrate socially, and acquire transferrable skills that may promote employability, engender lifetime interests, and improve health and well-being. They will offer one-to-one support to everyone, tailored to his or her needs.
    Areas supported: Kirkcaldy |
    Kirkcaldy YMCA Connected and Creative Communities £30,000
    Summary: Following the pandemic, it is crucial that over the next few years they can offer holistic, supportive services to local children, young people, and adults. Their aim is to strengthen some existing programmes, expanding support and coaching young employees/volunteers. They will employ a worker to focus upon mental health within their Creative Communities programme - based on the belief that cultural activity has broad, interlinked benefits for people and communities, includes improving mental wellbeing and reducing loneliness. Their programme supports communities to develop and implement programmes of creative activity and is focused on communities where social circumstances make engaging with cultural activities more challenging. They utilise music, crafts, graphic design, and art to engage local people in 2 bases - YMCA building and the Gallatown HUB, there are 6 weekly sessions. The tutors delivering the programme are kind and supportive, with increasing time being spent on 1 to 1 support and dealing with issues/anxieties, this impacting on the programme.
    Areas supported: Kirkcaldy |
    Lucky Ewe Lucky Ewe Recovery and Renewal £4,870
    Summary: The work supports the mental health and wellbeing of the learning disabled and those with additional support needs, who take longer to learn than the average individual and need different stimuli, but who receive only the same period primary and secondary school education as anyone else. Commonly they leave school around 16 years of age, have no academic qualifications, no option to enter further education, and no ability to seek employment. This project will engage those Interns using different stimuli and models compared to conventional forms of learning. They support Interns in an animal husbandry and farming environment, particularly working with sheep as relatively small, undemanding, and non-aggressive animals, but requiring care, attention, and management. The experiences are also all embedded in farming management and operations, with the related skills required for employability in that sector.
    Areas supported: Glenrothes | Levenmouth | North East Fife |
    Lucky Ewe Lucky Ewe Recovery and Renewal £19,300
    Summary: This project will support 12 people with mental health issues at the farm. This outdoor work with dairy sheep will help the interns to reduce anxiety, develop self-confidence and learn to work in small teams. A quad bike will allow them to move materials around the site easily, allowing them to set up meaningful experience more quickly and efficiently. For example, they can quickly make up pens in paddocks for sheep handling, transporting spades and stakes for tree planting, moving hay bales etc. A 2-seater quad bike will also help interns with mobility impairment to participate in tasks.
    Areas supported: Glenrothes | Levenmouth | North East Fife |
    North East Fife Community Hub Extension of Services at North East Fife Community Hub £14,999
    Summary: This project will improve the outdoor infrastructure and provide regular activity at the NE Fife Community Hub to enable people living with mild to moderate dementia and cognitive impairments and their carers to safely access nature and use the outdoor space. They will embed the benefits of nature-based approaches for mental and physical health through collaboration with the Sensory Trust who will mentor the facilitation of activities, recruit and direct training volunteers and promote, by example, the benefits to wider groups and individuals using the Hub. The outdoor area requires improvement and lacks shelter to welcome people. Improving the facilities will safely engage more people in outdoor activities and be a catalyst for further groups the months and years ahead. Through facilitating a regular group, people can integrate with their existing social infrastructure at the cafe and reconnect to other community events, which will reduce their social isolation.
    Areas supported: North East Fife |
    North East Fife Community Hub Out & About Club £14,995
    Summary: The Northeast Fife Community Hub was established in 2018. With funding from the Scottish Land Fund, they purchased St David's Centre, St Andrews, from Fife Council in March 2021, as a Community Asset Transfer. Since then, the Community Hub has gone from strength to strength. The building is well-used, the cafe is busy, and it is becoming a valued community asset, supporting the most vulnerable in many ways. Funding is sought to support a salary to enable extension of the opening hours of the building in response to community demand to increase service provision. These extended hours will enable more groups to meet and offer wide-ranging activities to the whole community, providing a safe space where all local people will be welcomed. This will also provide access to the clothing bank and emergency food provision for a longer period every day of the week. Additionally, this will enable installation of a community fridge, with increased opportunity to access fresh food at times when people need it.
    Areas supported: North East Fife |
    Options in Life New day of service £10,993
    Summary: This project will allow them to launch of a new day of service, continuing their current programme supporting adults with learning disabilities and their families in Fife. Their new day of service will support this group, who are currently suffering in isolation without any provision, to a weekly, full day service where they will take part in fully supported fun, educational, fulfilling social activity. Their activity range is extensive and suits all needs and interests, as well as being designed to instil confidence and develop new skills which further improve their lives and opportunities outside their programme. Each activity runs for a full day. Transport to the activity is arranged by their Charity and the group participating receives all the support they need from their team of highly trained staff who ensure each individual gets the assistance they need to take part; their emotional wellbeing is supported, and they are safe at all times.
    Areas supported: Glenrothes | Levenmouth | North East Fife |
    Over Rankeilour Walled Garden Therapeutic Gardening Programme £6,490
    Summary: This project invites the local community into the garden and to aims to help and support those in need as the community recovers from the Covid pandemic. Volunteers help in the garden and have found that it seems naturally well suited to those looking to improve their mental health and wellbeing. Indeed, most of those volunteers referred to them from other services have fallen within this category. Currently there are two project leaders who are responsible for taking the garden sessions on a voluntary basis. This project is employing a professional to lead therapeutic gardening sessions, better tailored to support those with mental health conditions.
    Areas supported: North East Fife |
    PAMIS PAMIS Fife Wellbeing Project £14,422
    Summary: This project will aim to directly improve the health and well-being of people with Profound and Multiple Learning Disabilities (PMLD) & their unpaid family carers. They will do this by offering various free of cost wellbeing activities that focus on both physical & mental health improvement. All activities will be targeted solely at this group. The project will include - Carers access to 1-1 emotional support where they can discuss their emotional and mental health. In person accessible Leisure events that accommodates the person with PMLD & their carer. Pony Countryside Access, Families involved with PAMIS. These families all have relatives with PMLD and they love giving these relatives the opportunity to experience the outdoors particularly areas which would usually be inaccessible to people in wheelchairs such as hilly parks, forests and beaches, complete outdoor access. Online activities for the person with PMLD and activities for the carer. They will offer Art for therapy classes, Sensory Wake Up Shake Up sessions, Carers Yoga, Meditation sessions & Music Making sessions.
    Areas supported: Cowdenbeath & Lochgelly | Dunfermline | Glenrothes | Kirkcaldy | Levenmouth | North East Fife | South West Fife |
    Pilgrim Care Enhanced Parish Nurse Services for the Older Person in St Andrews £36,290
    Summary: Demand for bespoke support post COVID has increased the need for Their services significantly resulting in the introduction of waiting lists. Increasing the nurse's hours and employing a part-time assistant will allow them to extend and expand activities targeted to the individual needs of the most vulnerable elderly residents. The additional 25.5 hours weekly will offer an additional walking session scheduled to accommodate those who cannot attend the existing morning session for any reason (run as part of Paths for All initiative). Addition of a wet weather contingency to maintain routine and to allow regular observation of users by continuation of service delivery indoors by running a strength and balance session. An additional armchair exercise session will be offered to those on the waiting list. This will also be streamed to a wider audience who currently face barriers in leaving their home and so cannot participate. They need to purchase technology to support the streaming of services to actively encourage supported participation with a focus on strengthening confidence and mobility in housebound people. This will be part of a technology library and will be re-allocated when it is no longer needed.
    Areas supported: North East Fife |
    Raith Rovers Community Foundation Active Seniors £8,800
    Summary: This is a continuation of a funded project from year 1. They currently offer 3 various opportunities for local elderly people to socially connect and stay physically active. This is called 'Active Seniors' Programme 1: Reminiscing Raith is a bi-weekly programme aimed at supporting those experiencing social isolation, poor mental health and those experiencing food poverty also. This offers a warm, safe space for those attending the 2hr sessions with many stating, "it is the highlight in their social calendar" Programme 2: Walk & Talk is a weekly programme currently offering 2 days of walks per week (Monday AM and Thursday AM) and they currently have 24 registered walkers each week. This session aims to socially connect those aged 50years and older, creating a social and physical activity session in their weekly schedule that gets people active in a safe inclusive and welcoming space. Programme 3: Walking Football is a weekly 60mins physical activity session designed to promote a healthy active lifestyle as well as the benefits of social engagement and group activity.
    Areas supported: Kirkcaldy |
    Relationships Scotland- couple counselling Fife free counselling for adults from a disadvantaged socio economic background £12,540
    Summary: This project offers 300 free counselling sessions to people who are from a disadvantaged socio-economic background and are struggling with poor mental health caused firstly, by increased social isolation during the pandemic and secondly, by the current cost of living crisis. This aims to: * Reduce feelings of depression and anxiety and increase a sense of wellbeing * help people take control over their life where they feel overwhelmed * Prevent family breakdown by improving communication * Reduce the number of people experiencing domestic abuse * increase engagement with other agencies and signpost to other agencies where relevant. They work with couples as well as individuals.
    Areas supported: Dunfermline | Kirkcaldy | North East Fife |
    Relationships Scotland Tayside and Fife Connecting Families - RelScot £7,700
    Summary: As a member of the largest provider of relationship support services across Scotland, they propose to enhance their provision to offer specific support to mitigate against the impact of distress on young adults and adults in the wake of the pandemic, and to enhance their mental health and wellbeing. Covid19 has exacerbated generalised anxiety and a sense of isolation in local communities and the impact of this is just beginning to show. Relationships have fractured and impacted by the distress of home-schooling, working from home, loss of income, and being together 24/7 during lockdown. To tackle these underlying issues, which affect the mental health and wellbeing, sense of coping and sense of connectedness of individuals, they propose to offer their services to an additional 15 individuals (16+) during the last quarter of 2021-22 (Jan-March). They will be offered a maximum of 60 sessions including Mediation, Contact, Therapy and Counselling (young adults).
    Areas supported: Dunfermline | Glenrothes | Kirkcaldy | North East Fife |
    Rosyth Community Projects Limited EATS Rosyth – Bite and Blether sessions and Cooking Club £9,497
    Summary: This project will host bite and blether/friendship cafe sessions as well as a cooking club, at Rosyth Community Hub throughout 2023. Bite and Blether will run every week for two hours in the community cafe, with drinks and a light, nutritious bite being provided in a welcoming, friendly atmosphere, for up to 40 people. This will be specifically targeting people who face social isolation. Cooking classes will take place in the training kitchen at least every other week for up to six individual learners at a time (or more if group learning). This type of learning teaching life-long skills is a priority as they move forwards and aim to facilitate recovery in the community.
    Areas supported: South West Fife |
    Rosyth Community Projects Limited (EATS Rosyth) Community Garden Regeneration £10,392
    Summary: This project will be refurbishing the Community Garden at EATS Rosyth and allow for additional staff hours to provide targeted community activity in a safe and welcoming environment for the vulnerable adults who utilise the space. This will include hiring a day labourer to work towards making the facilities more accessible, including improved pathways, seating areas, toilet facilities and hospitality facilities, and improved off-grid access to electricity for minor use (like mobile phone charging, radio, kettle etc). They will also repair or replace the raised beds as needed and add raised beds to the polytunnel (raised beds as integral in making gardening accessible for older and more vulnerable people). They will run a weekly Alzheimer's Group, three weekly casual volunteering sessions, 2 targeted weekly sessions, and 3 workshops, courses, or classes per month.
    Areas supported: Dunfermline | South West Fife |
    SAFE SPACE LTD Volunteer Expenses £6,000
    Summary: This service is based on recruiting volunteers who are training in counselling to work with survivors in both counselling and groupwork. All are expected to commit to a year minimum, due to the nature of the work and the fact that sessions are not time limited. All volunteers must undertake the 4-day specialist trauma training and they commit to providing them with at least 4 quality trainings per year as part of their development. The training is expensive and very specialised, but an essential part of their commitment to volunteers. They also pay for external supervision for counsellors with an experienced and accredited trauma supervisor. This allows them to satisfy BACP and COSCA requirements and ensures a high quality of service. They equally provide mandatory monthly group supervision so that volunteers learn from each other in a mutual setting. This in turn allows clients to experience specialist trauma counselling to enable them to overcome their past experiences and be able to move forward.
    Areas supported: Dunfermline | North East Fife | South West Fife |
    Samaritans Kirkcaldy and District Listening and Outreach Services £6,380
    Summary: This project offers a listening service, via telephone and Email and are now beginning to grow their outreach services again and are gearing up to reopening their branch in Kirkcaldy to resume face to face listening. The outreach services take three distinct forms: - raising suicide awareness in local groups (workplaces, church and community groups, other voluntary organisations, etc), their active listening approach and steps that every member of their communities can take to recognise others in distress and how to talk to them as a first step. - working with other bodies in the area, such as National Rail, the police, Fife Suicide Prevention and NHS Fife, to address the issue of suicide prevention - "postvention" support to support communities that have been affected by suicide or by a traumatic event. This, by definition, is a reactive activity, for example, currently working with a local primary school following the death of a pupil.
    Areas supported: Glenrothes | Kirkcaldy | Levenmouth | North East Fife |
    Seal Dunfermline Step Forward £7,982
    Summary: This project will be based around the principles of co-production meaning that service recipients will be at the forefront of developing personal outcomes and determining the programme content. There will be two complementary elements; groupwork (delivered over 10 weekly sessions between January and April 2022) and 1 to 1 coaching using the well-established GROW model. Their proposal will actively contribute to promoting and supporting the conditions for good mental health and wellbeing. It will support up to 10 young adults (aged 16-21) who experience emotional and mental distress. As distress interferes with mental health and the ability to carry out daily activities and engage at home, at school or in their community, the sessions will provide opportunities for group members to work towards personal goals; rebuilding confidence and developing coping strategies to help deal with life's stresses.
    Areas supported: Cowdenbeath & Lochgelly | Dunfermline | South West Fife |
    seescape Counselling and Food Train £10,000
    Summary: This project provides counselling for people struggling to come to terms with their sight loss. They do this by referring to a third-party provider, InterActions, who specialise in working with people with sight loss and have been counselling Seescape clients for many years. The process of losing your sight can generate feelings of anger, rage, numbness, panic and often denial. 40% of clients referred to counselling in the last year have has suicidal thoughts. It is the same process as the grieving process and counselling aims to have the clients first acknowledge, then accept their condition and once they get to this stage, they add support with coping strategies, both emotional and practical.
    Areas supported: Cowdenbeath & Lochgelly | Dunfermline | Glenrothes | Kirkcaldy | Levenmouth | North East Fife | South West Fife |
    Shiresmill Therapy Riding Centre Shiresmill Connecting the Community Through Horses £7,930
    Summary: This project is for members of the community who following Covid-19, have experienced feelings of isolation and loneliness. This new activity is broadening their outreach to not just those with additional support needs and mental health conditions but to connect members of the community through horses. The activities include groundwork sessions, riding activities and learning about horses and their care. These activities have been found to promote self-confidence, leadership and trust and they believe the horses facilitate the bonding through a common interest. These activities additionally promote mental health and resilience through physical exercise, socialisation and through spending time outside in nature (Biophilia Hypothesis, 2021).
    Areas supported: Dunfermline |
    St Andrews Botanic Garden Planting for your 'Piece' £8,811
    Summary: Planting for your Piece is a fortnightly gardening and social club with structured 2-hour sessions for adults (approx. 15 per session) with mental health conditions referred through local mental health support groups, services and social prescribing schemes in Northeast Fife. The project is designed to provide positive psychological and physical benefits for participants where they come together and connect, offer mutual support, and share experiences with others, whilst learning new skills and benefitting from being hands on with nature in a peaceful outdoor setting. Activities also provide enjoyable ways to undertake physical exercise to improve psychological health. A dedicated allotment patch will shape the programme of garden activity providing an invaluable place for them to have ownership of creating opportunities to build confidence and self-esteem.
    Areas supported: North East Fife |
    St. Luke the Evangelist (Peace 'n' Jam Project) Bite and a Blether @ Peace 'n' Jam £9,285
    Summary: This project is a community kitchen and social hub (flexible community space), small kitchen and meeting room - all spaces are available to hire. The delivered activity will be a regular community lunch and meal, known as Bite & a Blether. A welcoming and inclusive space to share tasty home cooked food with other people. Anyone can come along and give of their time (blether), help them out (volunteer), and pay a donation (if able) towards the cost. The activity will reduce isolation by giving people an opportunity to spend time with one another. Improve mental health and wellbeing by giving people an opportunity to access locally sourced healthy and nutritional food. Help tackle poverty by giving people dignified access to [free] food. Involve people in volunteering and help them develop skills and/or share skills and life experience.
    Areas supported: Glenrothes |
    STAND STAND Peer Support Groups £14,500
    Summary: STAND members created and delivered a course called A Good Life with Dementia to 4 people who are living with a diagnosis of dementia. The course was held over 6 weeks in the Community Centre in Kinghorn. The course participants are all living with mild to moderate dementia. At the end of the course the participants wanted to continue to meet. The group is supported by the STAND members who delivered the course and the Dementia Friendly Fife Project Manager. The attendees also include the families and friends of people living with a diagnosis of dementia. The focus of the group is to give each other peer support and to help each other to find out what services and information can help them to live well with the illness. The space also offers a "drop in " service to anyone who is affected by dementia. They have musicians, an artist, and a creative writer supporting them to access the more creative side of themselves and to create lasting and positive memories of how they are living well with the condition. The group also receives refreshments.
    Areas supported: Cowdenbeath & Lochgelly | Dunfermline | Kirkcaldy | South West Fife |
    SWAN (Scottish Women's Autism Network) Fife Autistic Meet ups £3,195
    Summary: This project aims to bring together autistic women and non-binary people in Fife for regular social and peer-support meet ups. These meetups will be in Kirkcaldy and look to develop further groups in other areas, such as more rural areas, or in the Northeast of Fife. They aim to have activities such as Lego, drawing and outings to improve mental health through participation in special interests and relaxing activities in a friendly and welcoming group where they feel understood. They will also include more volunteers and allocate staff time to working locally to identify and include more autistic women, including building links with St Andrews University, local libraries, and other community groups.
    Areas supported: Kirkcaldy | North East Fife |
    Tayport Community Trust - The Larick Centre The Larick Health and Wellbeing Project £9,092
    Summary: The intention of the Larick Health and Wellbeing Project is to provide support to local people to reduce social isolation, to run free social, educational, and physical activities, and to offer holistic support to improve physical and mental health and well-being. Their programme of activities will run weekly for approximately 16 weeks and each session will be 2.5 hours long. The programme will consist of a variety of activities, which respond to the needs of local people, including isolated families with younger children and older people. They will include a range of afternoon workshops, talks and physical activities. An additional staff post will be recruited. In addition, there will be expert speaker. Some examples of the sessions that they are planning to run including parenting workshops; nature workshops; sewing, craft and woodwork workshops; an armchair exercise session, basic cooking/cooking on a budget demo's; mindfulness and relaxation, walks and connecting to nature, self-care and building self-esteem and confidence.
    Areas supported: North East Fife |
    Team Jak Team Jak Fife £7,720
    Summary: This project runs support sessions for parents, carers, and other adult family members such as grandparents, aunties and uncles who have a child with cancer (or related illness). The sessions will run in Glenrothes, Kirkcaldy or Dunfermline, although open to families across Fife, and will provide essential emotional, social, and practical support to help ease the journey of having a child with cancer. Those who have been bereaved are also welcomed to the sessions. This could be cake decorating, yoga, footgolf, archery, games nights or a meal. The activities are led by the participants to ensure a high level of interest. This allows adults to get time to talk with others that are in the same situation, this is vital to help with the mental health strain that go with having a seriously ill child.
    Areas supported: Dunfermline | Glenrothes | Kirkcaldy | North East Fife |
    The Central Park Community Trust Cowden in the Community Covid Recovery Programme £7,097
    Summary: This is a variety of physical activities. Walking Football an activity for over 50s where football is played at walking pace with no physical contact. Adult Recreational Football aimed at over 35’s for a football coaching session which is fun based but involves physical activity. Adult Walk and Talk involves football clubs who meet at the stadium then walk around their local area whilst chatting aimed at over 35’s, it is a forum for adults to socialise and stay active. Adult Team Talk Tactics a programme aimed at men aged from 30 which allows men to meet at the stadium.
    Areas supported: Cowdenbeath & Lochgelly |
    The Ecology Centre Resilient Roots Supported Volunteering £22,011
    Summary: This project will provide a day of supported volunteering at The Ecology Centre. Their current volunteering provision is hugely successful with around 30 individuals from the local community attending on Wednesdays each week. Resilient Roots will meet one day per week from 10am - 4pm. The group would be facilitated by the Education Manager and Education Officer. The group would be small with up to 6 supported volunteers and their support workers/carers if required to ensure they receive the level of support and one to one time they require. Like all their work at The Ecology Centre, the group would operate with a person-centred approach. Volunteers are involved at the early stages of project planning and individual interests and passions are always explored. The focus of Resilient Roots is on improving health and wellbeing through - social connection within the group (including a sit-down cooked lunch for each session). Meaningful and useful physical activity to contribute to the management of the site.
    Areas supported: Cowdenbeath & Lochgelly | Kirkcaldy |
    The Friendship Cabin The Friendship Cabin - A Centre for Wellness Year 2 £22,371
    Summary: The Friendship Cabin - A Centre for Wellness is a grass roots community group that will expand their services to benefit new and existing members. They will now be able to deliver additional activities and programmes to people to reconnect and revitalise their local community, building on what they have learned and developed throughout the pandemic. They will be offering more tailored programmes that promote health and wellbeing. They will purchase equipment to support interaction e.g., the Sharp Interactive Touch Table Live sessions / podcasts Links to Wellbeing Radio Relaxation / Mindfulness sessions. They will develop the service to promote and develop good mental health and wellbeing, as well as mitigating the impact of the rising demand for mental health support. They have recently piloted a session on a Monday to provide more focus on dementia / mental health. This has been well received but they need to expand their offering and tailor it more to the client group.
    Areas supported: Glenrothes |
    The Mindful Partnership Minding Fife £24,300
    Summary: Minding Fife is a new outreach project which will deliver training sessions and workshops in Mindfulness and Self Compassion in 3 areas of Central Fife. Mindfulness and Self-Compassion are known to be beneficial strategies to supporting mental health and wellbeing. These courses will be aimed at those who have struggled to cope during the pandemic and help support participants to read just to life after lockdowns and shielding. This project will help restore participants confidence and self-esteem. As a result, participants will be more able to connect with each other and within their communities after the pandemic, reducing isolation. Initial project work will involve identifying appropriate accessible spaces to hold the Mindfulness café activities in each location. They will initially encourage participation through introductory outreach workshops, through word of mouth, by making contact and connections with groups and organisations already known in these three locations. They will deliver 1 Mindful Movement session per week in each location, to improve both mental and physical health and enhance the Mindfulness practice sessions.
    Areas supported: Glenrothes | Kirkcaldy | Levenmouth |
    The Pars Foundation Walking and Talking Down the Halbeath Road £14,500
    Summary: Walking and talking down the Halbeath Road’s aim is to improve mental health and physical wellbeing through socialisation and staying active. Supported by 4 volunteers, a mental health officer, working to reduce loneliness, isolation, poor, mental health, and social exclusion for people in Fife, particularly those impact by cost of living and Covid 19, Meeting weekly at various locations in Dunfermline and West Fife villages, considering rural areas and challenges regarding transport. Offering safe place to meet access to hot drinks and food and an organised and planned safe walking route.
    Areas supported: Dunfermline | South West Fife |
    The Village Cafe - Ceres Community Cafe Good Companions Lunch Club £8,425
    Summary: The project aims to set up a Monday Lunch Club for those folk in the village and surrounding areas who live alone and whose family, if they have any, do not live locally. The lunch club will provide homemade soup and toasties along with a tea and coffee and a biscuit. In addition, the project hopes to have speakers and musicians who will come along to entertain the folk coming in for lunch. The project will also have some board games with volunteers to help with playing them. The parish is a sprawling rural one and many of the older people are "stuck" in their own homes due to transport difficulties so it is envisaged that the project will provide transport for those folks who would otherwise not be able to attend such a sociable gathering. The aim of the project is to provide company, stimulus and good homemade food and a friendly environment that assists them to overcome their loneliness and isolation and re-connect them with their communities.
    Areas supported: North East Fife |
    The Yard Fife Family Support £12,400
    Summary: This project is a Family Support service with a new direct and tailored approach for supporting parents and carers. This service, located in Kirkcaldy, provides a drop-in service on Saturday and Sundays (mornings 10.30-12.30 hrs; afternoons 14:00-16:00 hrs) for families with children and young people aged 0-18 years who are living with a range of disabilities from physical disability to neurological difference. The sessions are open to all family members including parents/carers. extended family members and siblings. The Family Sessions take place rain or shine, providing indoor and outdoor play and adventure and offering everything from assault courses and bikes, sand, and water play, to dress-up, crafts and baking.
    Areas supported: Cowdenbeath & Lochgelly | Dunfermline | Glenrothes | Kirkcaldy | Levenmouth | North East Fife | South West Fife |
    Thistle Health & Wellbeing Self-Management Skills for Better Mental Health & Wellbeing £42,467
    Summary: This project will support people living with long-term health conditions (LTC) in Fife to live a life free of isolation & loneliness, via a Self-Management Programme, improving their Mental Health. The Health & Social Care Alliance Scotland defines self-management a way of living and working that means people living with LTCs feel more in control of their health and wellbeing. They will receive 1:1 Support, group activities; persistently engage those least likely to access support. Peer Development, training people who want to share their valuable life experience & expertise, helping improve the physical, emotional, social & spiritual wellbeing of others, whilst giving themselves new purpose & meaning (4 Peers trained per year)
    Areas supported: Dunfermline | Glenrothes | Levenmouth |
    Youth 1st b:connected £11,976
    Summary: This project will deliver a series of support sessions, workshops and events for volunteers and youth workers in the voluntary youth work sector in Fife through the Voluntary Youth Network project. Through these new activities, opportunities will be provided for women, facing socio-economic disadvantage and those disadvantaged due to rural location to improve their health and wellbeing through a 3-pronged approach. Firstly, to bring together female leaders working in the third sector in Fife to give them space to connect, seek support and re-establish relationships. Space for regular support will be available, they aim to encourage and re-motivate leaders, which will re-inspire them to lead their organisations thus providing a knock-on benefit to their beneficiaries and staff. Secondly, they will deliver a series of health and wellbeing workshops for volunteers and youth workers.
    Areas supported: Cowdenbeath & Lochgelly | Glenrothes | Kirkcaldy | Levenmouth | North East Fife | South West Fife |
This page was last updated on 07 May 2022.
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