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Unpaid carers in Fife

  • Fife Voluntary Action works with partners across Fife to support unpaid carers. As part of this, we manage a small grants schemes that awards funding to carers to enable them to take a short break from their caring responsibilities. We also support Volunteer Carer Representatives at locality planning level across Fife.

    Time to Live

    • Are you a carer in need of a break?
    • Do you live in Fife?

    • Are you a young carer (caring for children or adults)?

    Unpaid carers in Fife can get up to £500 to help them get a break from their caring commitments.

    What is the definition of an 'adult carer'?
    An adult carer is defined as a person who provides for another person - but not: (i) if this is only because of that person's age (where they are under 18); or (ii) if you are caring because you have a contract or as voluntary work. A carer can be caring for someone for any number of hours and does not need to be providing a substantial amount of care for someone on a regular basis.
    Source: Carer's Charter, Scottish Government (March 2018)

    What is the definition of a 'young carer'?
    A 'young carer' is a carer (as defined above) who is: (i) under the age of 18; or (ii) 18 or over, but still attending school.
    Source: Carer's Charter, Scottish Government (March 2018)

    How can I find out about short breaks?
    Shared Care Scotland has a national directory of short breaks. This can help with ideas and demonstrating the different options that exist for Carers.

    About Time To Live Funding
    The Scottish Government has made this funding available to help support and sustain carers (including young carers and kinship carers) through enabling better access to short breaks or respite care. The Fund will be used to help develop existing, new and innovative models of short breaks which will help to support current and future provision of short breaks and respite care. The funding is designed to support a 'preventative' approach to short break provision, recognising the importance of planned breaks in promoting good health and wellbeing for carers and those they care for.

    Time to Live Funding has the following aims:
    • Carers and those they care for will have improved physical and emotional wellbeing;
    • Carers will have more opportunity to live a life outside of caring;
    • Carers will be better able to keep going with their caring roles;
    • Carers with little support will have more opportunity to access breaks.

    The funding can help with a range of costs associated with short breaks, including transport, accommodation, leisure activities and supported holidays. Applications can be for amounts up to £500.

This page was last updated on 07 June 2024.
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