supporting, developing and representing community groups,
voluntary organisations, social enterprises and volunteering

Volunteering Opportunity Details

  • Companion-Supporter
    with Fife Centre for Equalities

    Volunteer Opportunity No. VO96519 - Created/last updated: 19/11/2024


    About this opportunity:Fife Centre for Equalities (FCE) has charitable aims of raising awareness and understanding of equality and diversity across all communities and community groups in Fife.

    Are you looking for a meaningful way to make a positive impact in your community? FCE invite you to join our dedicated team of volunteers in our Companion Support Project. You will have the opportunity to offer support and companionship to individuals from diverse backgrounds and ethnicities.

    FCE host monthly get-togethers; these events are the heart of our project, where you can connect, engage, and share memorable moments with others. From exciting activities to delicious snacks, we ensure every gathering is filled with joy.

    Our project aims to reduce social isolation and enhance mental well-being. By volunteering, you'll contribute to helping the more isolated members of our community integrate and thrive, foster connections and spread happiness. Together we can build a stronger, more inclusive community.

    Takes place:
    Minimum age:16
    Maximum age:100
    Training provided:A full onboarding and training session will be provided, a mix of formal or informal chats. The role as a volunteer will be explained, all necessary documents will be signed, and a handbook will be provided. Regular contact will be made by the volunteer co-ordinator informing the volunteer of upcoming events and both check-in and feedback sessions either in person, on a phone call, the WhatsApp group or a Teams call.
    Out of pocket expenses paid?
    Yes - Once the volunteer has submitted their expenses claim form, expenses will be paid within the week. It is recommended that public transport is used. If a car is used 45p per mile will be reimbursed.

    Experience required:A good listener with good communication skills and the ability to communicate in a language in addition to English OR be interested in working with interpreters and translators to build relationships. -Adaptable and reliable -Person centred. Caring, respectful and positive -Understanding and sensitive. Demonstrate patience and tact -Discrete and able to maintain confidentiality.

    Restrictions on who can volunteer
    No restrictions were specified.

    Application process:Application Form; Induction/Training; Informal Chat

    Taster available?No, not for this opportunity.

    Travel Details

    Saltire AwardThis opportunity is compatible with the Saltire Awards for volunteers aged 12-25.

    What Now?

    To enquire/register an interest in this opportunity call us (FVA) on 0800 389 6046, e-mail us, or fill out this form:

    Please tell us what age group you are in:
    Are you looking to improve your employability prospects by volunteering?    

      You can print these opportunity details.

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Other Opportunities

Here are some shortcuts to other, similar opportunities:

Type of volunteering: Befriending / Mentoring
Opportunities which benefit Ethnic Minorities

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View our introduction to volunteering page or contact us to find out more - our experts love helping people of all ages and backgrounds to become volunteers.

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If you are an Organisation that would like your opportunity to be shown on our website, promoted by us, and for our staff to be aware of it when matching potential volunteers, please submit an Opportunity Registration Form,

Help and Support

Call us to arrange an appointment
Give us a call on 0800 389 6046 to arrange an appointment to chat with our staff about what opportunities are available. Meetings can be arranged outside of the office in some cases.

Register with us
Fill out our registration form and a member of staff will then get in touch with you to discuss volunteering options to suit you.

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