supporting, developing and representing community groups,
voluntary organisations, social enterprises and volunteering

Volunteering Opportunity Details

  • Trustee
    with Families First St Andrews

    Volunteer Opportunity No. VO75848 - Created/last updated: 22/11/2024


    About this opportunity:Families First is a small independent Charity working with children aged 5 - 16 years, living in North East Fife who are facing adversity. The challenges children face include neurodiversity, poor physical and mental wellbeing and social problems such as isolation and poverty. Our overall objectives are to strengthen the social and emotional wellbeing of children, young people and their parents and carers. Our Trustees are all volunteers and offer strategic guidance and provide a governance role to Families First as an organisation. Our Trustees are looking for new members who can offer their skills and expertise to support Families First's mission: "Families First will work alongside children, young people and their families, experiencing disadvantage and adversity living in North East Fife." Along with your skills and expertise, the Trustees are looking for people who value the difference small charities can make to local communities.

    Our Trustees give approximately 16 hours per annum plus additional hours you may wish to become involved in.

    Takes place:
    Minimum age:18
    Maximum age:100
    Training provided:A full induction pack will be provided including policy, procedure, good practice guidance, business plans and annual reports. The manager will discuss a PowerPoint presentation on becoming a Trustee and introduce our children's services. Additionally, all Trustees must attend the mandatory volunteer training which covers topics such as Children's Services, Child and Adult Protection, Managing Behaviour and an Induction Evening.
    Out of pocket expenses paid?
    Yes - Arrangements can be made for out of pocket expenses (mileage / public transport) to be brought along on night of meetings if the manager has advanced notice.

    Experience required:We are an inclusive organisation and as such welcome experience in business and finance, digital and IT, fundraising, and work with children and/or families, lived experience.

    Restrictions on who can volunteer
    No restrictions were specified.

    Application process:Application Form; Induction/Training; Informal Chat; PVG membership required; References

    Taster available?No, not for this opportunity.

    Travel DetailsThe Families First premises is Rose Lane Centre, 2 Rose Lane, c/o 132 South Street, St Andrews KY16 9EW. Meetings are normally arranged here or in St Andrews.

    Saltire AwardThis opportunity is compatible with the Saltire Awards for volunteers aged 12-25.

    What Now?

    To enquire/register an interest in this opportunity call us (FVA) on 0800 389 6046, e-mail us, or fill out this form:

    Please tell us what age group you are in:
    Are you looking to improve your employability prospects by volunteering?    

      You can print these opportunity details.

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Other Opportunities

Here are some shortcuts to other, similar opportunities:

Families First St Andrews has the following, additional volunteering opportunities:
  - Family Support Volunteer
  - Befriending Volunteer
  - Youth Group Volunteer
  - Driving Volunteer

Type of volunteering: Committee Work
Opportunities which benefit Children

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