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Volunteering Opportunity Details

  • Lifeline Foster Carer
    with Cats Protection (Fife)

    Volunteer Opportunity No. VO100834 - Created/last updated: 30/01/2025


    About this opportunity:Lifeline offer a free and confidential fostering service for cats whose families are fleeing domestic abuse so they can rest assured their cat will be taken care of until they can be safely reunited. Referrals are handled by a specialist and experienced team, who support owners referring to the service, arrange to collect cats, and organise foster placements through a wonderful network of dedicated volunteers.
    By becoming a Lifeline Foster Carer, you'll be helping to support someone in need of a temporary home for their cat. Lifeline Scotland cover all costs so all you need to do is provide a loving home for your foster cat and send lots of photos so the Lifeline team can give their owner updates. Fostering with Lifeline is completely confidential, so you won't know anything about the owner and they won't know your identity either. All communication goes through the dedicated Lifeline team to maintain anonymity.
    Before applying, please make sure you have no other pets (there's no guarantee your foster cat will like the company of other cats or dogs!) and either own your own property or have written permission from your landlord/housing provider to foster cats

    Takes place:
    Minimum age:18
    Maximum age:100
    Training provided:All induction information is given during the application process, at the in-person home visit stage. After this, volunteers will be sent copies of the volunteer handbook. Training is delivered through online modules to be done at the volunteers' convenience. The team will be available to answer questions, and support, throughout the volunteer placement.
    Out of pocket expenses paid?
    Yes - Mileage can be claimed back for necessary journeys, i.e. taking cats to vets.

    Experience required:An animal lover, particularly of cats is essential for this role.

    Restrictions on who can volunteer
    No restrictions were specified.

    Application process:Application Form; Induction/Training; Informal Chat; References

    Taster available?No, not for this opportunity.

    Travel DetailsThis opportunity will be home based. There may be occasional travel with the foster cat, to and from veterinary practices. All other necessary travel will be handled by the Lifeline team.

    Saltire AwardThis opportunity is compatible with the Saltire Awards for volunteers aged 12-25.

    What Now?

    To enquire/register an interest in this opportunity call us (FVA) on 0800 389 6046, e-mail us, or fill out this form:

    Please tell us what age group you are in:
    Are you looking to improve your employability prospects by volunteering?    

      You can print these opportunity details.

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Type of volunteering: Care / Support worker
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