supporting, developing and representing community groups,
voluntary organisations, social enterprises and volunteering

Volunteering Opportunities

  • Please find below a list of 1 opportunities where the type of volunteering is Events:

      - Fundraising Event Volunteer - Team Jak Foundation, added/updated 30 days ago

    Go to main volunteering opportunities page

    Get On Board!

    We also have special special volunteering opportunities at board/management committee/Trustee level, although there aren't any in the list above. Voluntary organisations could not exist without volunteer board members. These volunteers take a shared responsibility for running the organisation. You don't need management experience, you just need to have an interest in what the organisation does. Training and support is available and the time committment is usually something that anybody can manage, even those in full-time employment!

      Click here to Get On Board!

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What is volunteering?

Find out more about volunteering
View our introduction to volunteering page or contact us to find out more - our experts love helping people of all ages and backgrounds to become volunteers.

Register your opportunity
If you are an Organisation that would like your opportunity to be shown on our website, promoted by us, and for our staff to be aware of it when matching potential volunteers, please submit an Opportunity Registration Form,

Help and Support

Call us to arrange an appointment
Give us a call on 0800 389 6046 to arrange an appointment to chat with our staff about what opportunities are available. Meetings can be arranged outside of the office in some cases.

Register with us
Fill out our registration form and a member of staff will then get in touch with you to discuss volunteering options to suit you.

Volunteering Bulletin

If you volunteer or you're interested in volunteering then sign up for our free e-mail bulletin for volunteers - it only takes a few seconds. We send out bulletins roughly every two weeks and you can unsubscribe at any time.

Volunteer with FVA!

Click here to find out more about volunteering with Fife Voluntary Action.