voluntary organisations, social enterprises and volunteering
voluntary organisations, social enterprises and volunteering
Governance and the Roles & Responsibilities of a Trustee/Board Member: How to succeed on a committee
Created: 20/10/2017, Updated: 06/02/2018Trustees are the people who are in charge of a charity, sometimes also called Board members or Committee members. Trustees are the lifeblood of our sector - without trustees there would be no charities operating in Fife!
This free training session is designed to help new or potential Trustees to understand their role and responsibilities so that they can enjoy and thrive in their role free from stress or worries by understanding what they can and should be doing. It includes practical examples and time to answer your specific queries.
This course is intended to encourage new and to support existing trustees/board members in the valuable voluntary work they undertake and includes:
•What is governance and why does it matter?
•What could go wrong? Why does it go wrong?
•Understanding the role
•Perceptions & boundaries
•Delegated tasks
•Conflicts of Interest
•Seeking help
Who should attend?
New and existing trustees/board/committee members who want to learn or refresh their knowledge and skills of their role.