voluntary organisations, social enterprises and volunteering
voluntary organisations, social enterprises and volunteering
The MSE Charity
Created: 14/01/2025The MSE Charity supports organisations that deliver activities that make a lasting impact on how people think, behave, and manage their money.
There is a different themed round each year. The theme of the next grant round is Life Changing Transitions.
Who can apply
Organisations must be either a UK registered charity, community interest company, credit union, or a not-for- profit company limited by guarantee or social enterprise company. Organisations should have an income under £500,000 and have less than six months free reserves.
Maximum annual income: £500,000
How to apply
Complete the pre-application Eligibility Quiz to check your organisation is eligible to apply. If successful this will unlock access to the Stage 1 - Outline Proposal form. It is important to apply as soon as possible as only the first 40 applications will be considered.
The closing date for outline proposals is Friday 31 January 2025.
The deadline for full applications is Tuesday 28 March 2025.