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  • The7stars Foundation

    Created: 03/12/2024
    News/Events Category: Funding and Finance
    This item will show under the following categories: Children and Families   Health and Social Care  

    Grants are targeted to further the potential and opportunity of children and young people who are surviving abuse, at risk of or experiencing homelessness, caring for a loved one, and challenged by addiction (either personally or through a member of their family).

    They have several funding streams, each with slightly different eligibility criteria:

    • Shine Bright: Grants for charities to purchase educational, wellbeing, or recreational items for young people, aged 16 years old or under, aligned to the prioritised themes.
    • Social Impact: Grants aligned to awareness days (see list on fund website). A maximum of three charities will be shortlisted for each award, with the7stars agency team voting on which charity will be awarded.

    Who can apply

    UK charities delivering a project for young people aged 16 years old or under

    Maximum annual income: £1,500,000

    How to apply

    Application form available via the Foundation website. Please read the full guidance for the relevant funding stream before applying.

    The closing date for applications is Wednesday 05 February 2025.

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