voluntary organisations, social enterprises and volunteering
voluntary organisations, social enterprises and volunteering
Child Wellbeing Pathway - Updated guidance for all practitioners working with children and young people
Created: 29/11/2024In Fife the Child Wellbeing Pathway (CWP) is the agreed assessment, intervention, and planning pathway for children, young people, families, and carers. It’s used by professionals in all of Fife’s agencies and services to make sure we get it right for everyone.
Make sure you’re familiar with the 2024 refresh of the pathway and associated guidance. It’s designed to help you assess different levels of wellbeing needs and to plan appropriately – in partnership with those you’re supporting and with other colleagues and services.
The revised CWP takes account of:
The CWP reinforces Fife’s universal approach to early intervention and wellbeing assessment, but it shouldn’t be viewed as an incremental process. The guidance clarifies:
Good to know – new terminology! Previously known as a Child Wellbeing Meeting, we now refer to a Team Around the Child (TAC) Meeting. We also focus on a multi-agency response involving a Team Around the Child (TAC) Approach.
Also good to know – the new guidance is shorter, there’s a new flowchart and clear links to key resources.
Find the new guidance and everything you need, at any time by visiting https://girfec.fife.scot