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  • Ageing and Frailty - Standards for the care of older people

    Created: 20/11/2024
    News/Events Category: Health and Social Care

    Healthcare Improvement Scotland have produced their final publication of standards for Ageing and Frailty. 

    The standards replace the current Care of Older People in Hospital standards and support national improvements in frailty services. They further aim to promote positive, healthy and active ageing. They cover older people who may experience frailty as they age and apply in all settings.

    Their publication sets out 11 standards for Ageing and Frailty: 

    1. Identification of frailty - Organisations have systems in place to identify older people living with frailty at the earliest opportunity
    2. Assessment and future care planning - Older people living with frailty experience coordinated multidisciplinary support that is responsive to changes in their life, health and care
    3. Unpaid carers and care partners - Unpaid carers and care partners are valued, supported and trained to continue providing care
    4. Keeping active - Older people living with frailty are supported to keep active to maintain and improve mobility, independence and function
    5. Nutrition and hydration - Older people living with frailty are supported to eat and drink and receive specialist input if required
    6. Bladder and bowel health - Older people living with frailty receive early assessment and proactive management of bladder and bowel issues
    7. Medicines management and review - Older people living with frailty are prescribed medicines which are safe, effective and person centred
    8. Living and dying well - Older people living with frailty are empowered to live well throughout their life, maximise enjoyment and die comfortably
    9. Mental health and mental wellbeing - Older people living with frailty have their mental health needs addressed 
    10. Sudden deterioration and immediate care - Older people living with frailty who experience a sudden change in their health can access timely, coordinated and consistent support
    11. Care in hospital - When in hospital, older people living with frailty receive safe, effective and person-centred care

    Click here to read the full report.

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