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  • The William Syson Foundation - Small Grants Fund

    Created: 05/09/2024
    News/Events Category: Funding and Finance

    The Small Grants Fund welcomes applications from arts charities working in any art form or cross-art form including but not limited to visual arts, performing arts, poetry, literature, film-making, music, photography, and digital arts.

    The Fund can only accept applications from arts charities registered in Scotland. They aim to provide a response within 10 weeks from the closing date. Please submit a brief, simple application form submitted with audited / independently examined annual accounts and up-to-date child protection/vulnerable adult safeguarding policies.

    Fund award sizes

    Maximum: £4,000

    Annually awarded: £250,000

    Notes on award amounts: The Small Grants Fund will award unrestricted grants up to £4,000.

    Who can apply

    • Charities with core objects/purpose is to advance the arts
    • Charities registered in Scotland, with a bank account in the name of the charity
    • Scotland-based organisations operating for the benefit of people in Scotland
    • Annual income of less than £500,000
    • Operating for at least 12 months and be able to supply annual audited / examined accounts

    Maximum annual income: £500,000


    Applications are ineligible if the charity:

    • Has been awarded funding from the Foundation within the previous 12 months
    • Has applied for funding from the Foundation within the previous 12 months, whether successful or not
    • Is looking for help with capital development costs
    • Has already incurred the costs for which it is applying
    • Promotes political beliefs or ideologies
    • Has, as a charitable purpose, the advancement of religion
    • Is not an arts charity organisation, please note we do not fund non-arts charities undertaking arts projects
    • Is a company limited by shares
    • Does not have an up-to-date Child Protection or Vulnerable Adults Safeguarding Policy if involved in ‘regulated work’ or, if said policy fails to include the requirement for staff and volunteers to have membership of the PVG Scheme as managed by Disclosure Scotland.
    • Has submitted its Annual Accounts late to the OSCR appropriate regulator (where applicable) and/or Companies House

    How to apply

    Download and complete the application form via the website, and submit with the accounts and protection policies as advised on the website guidance.

    The closing date for applications is Friday 13 September 2024.

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