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  • The W.G. Edwards Charitable Foundation

    Created: 05/09/2024
    News/Events Category: Funding and Finance

    The Trustees of the W.G. Edwards Charitable Foundation are interested in supporting a diverse range of charities that support older people over the age of 65, from large institutions to small community-run organisations.

    Grants are loosely divided into health and community categories:

    • Health and welfare - grants for refurbishment of residential care housing for the elderly and for building projects which are nearing completion. Trustees also consider the provision of equipment and furniture to enhance care and improve quality of life.
    • Community and innovation - supports community initiatives for the over-65s such as exercise classes, horticultural projects and musical therapy. They also consider grants for technology projects aimed at benefitting the over-65s, however they do not fund IT for staff or volunteers.

    Fund award sizes

    Annually awarded: £130,545

    Notes on award amounts:

    Around 70 organisations each year are successful in obtaining grants usually between £1000 to £3000. The average grant is £1,500.

    Annual total for UK from 2023 accounts. They gave 11 grants totalling £15,550 to organisations in Scotland.

    Who can apply

    The Foundation award funds to UK registered charities that have been registered with OSCR for at least two years.

    Maximum annual income: £100,000


    • Funding sought in retrospect
    • Buying or leasing transport, ie. minibuses
    • Salaries
    • General campaigns
    • Revenue funding, ie. items for everyday use
    • Building projects in the planning stages
    • IT which is for the use of administration
    • Rent

    If your charity has received a previous grant, please wait three years before applying for another grant.

    How to apply

    Apply by e-mail at [email protected]. Your application should be a maximum of four A4 pages, including a budget or costs on a single document. See the Foundation's website for full guidance for what to include in your application.

    The closing date for applications is Tuesday 10 September 2024.

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