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  • The Weir Charitable Trust

    Created: 01/07/2024
    News/Events Category: Funding and Finance

    The Weir Charitable Trust support services/projects, run by Scottish-based community groups and small charities, in the following qualifying categories that address any aspect of the following purposes:

    • Animal welfare
    • Culture
    • Health 
    • Sport 
    • Recreational facilities

    Who can apply

    The Weir Charitable Trust aims to support Scottish-based community groups and small charities to provide services across Scotland to help the Scottish community. These groups and charities are likely to have found it difficult to access funds elsewhere.

    They may be able to help if you meet all of the following criteria:

    • You are a small charity or community group with an annual income of less than £125,000
    • You are based and operate in Scotland, providing services to improve the quality of life for the people of Scotland
    • Your application meets one of the five Qualifying Categories – Sport, Health, Culture, Animal Welfare, or Recreational Facilities
    • You are seeking funding of less than £25,000

    Meeting the criteria does not guarantee funding as awards are made at the Trustees’ discretion and their final decision. All information is held and stored in line with the requirements of the Data Protection Act.


    • Any individual
    • Any commercial venture, including start-ups
    • Groups or charities with an income of more than £125,000
    • A governing body
    • A public sector body
    • Seeking money for sponsored events to raise funds for a charity
    • Applications from outwith Scotland
    • One off events such as Gala Days, exhibitions etc
    • Large capital projects in excess of £100,000
    • Groups such as Community Councils and PTAs
    • Education costs such as university fees
    • Sports strips

    How to apply 

    Click here to apply online. 

    The closing date for applications is Friday 30 August 2024.

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