voluntary organisations, social enterprises and volunteering
voluntary organisations, social enterprises and volunteering
YMI - Training and Continuing Professional Development Fund
Created: 26/06/2024The fund supports individuals, organisations and networks who work outwith school settings to undertake training and continuing professional development that will strengthen youth music in Scotland for the benefit of young people.
The intended outcomes of the fund are:
In the current circumstances applications relating to online courses or tuition packages are welcome, both from (a) individuals proposing to take advantage of them and (b) organisations proposing to design or deliver them.
Fund award sizes
Maximum: £5,000
Annually awarded: £50,000
Notes on award amounts: Awards to individuals will generally be within the range of £100 to £1,000, while the range for organisations will normally fall between £500 and £5,000. Partnership funding of at least 10% is required.
Who can apply
Individuals who are already involved in the delivery of youth music projects, or seeking to take part in training to widen their career opportunities to include delivery of music projects, or aiming to further extend the range and scope of their skills-base within the delivery of youth music projects.
Organisations who wish to provide training and professional development that will increase their capacity to develop and deliver improved music-making opportunities to young people.
You are not eligible to apply for this fund if you are:
How to apply
The application form is available on the Scottish Music Centre website.
The closing date for applications is 31 March 2025. The fund will remain open until funds are expended which may be before this date.