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  • Islamic Relief UK Grant Programme

    Created: 26/06/2024
    News/Events Category: Funding and Finance

    Islamic Relief UK’s Grant Programme is for projects and initiatives that will help to alleviate poverty and provide economic resilience to communities and individuals in the UK, as well as supporting refugees and combatting challenges faced by women. They fund under the following themes:

    • Building resilience to poverty
    • Empowering women and girls
    • Supporting refugee and asylum-seeking communities
    • Youth and family development

    Fund award sizes

    Minimum: £1,000

    Maximum: £40,000

    Notes on award amounts: Grant amounts will vary from £1,000 to £40,000 depending on the project for first-time applicants, with the duration of 12 months. This may increase further for second time successful applicants and can rise to £50,000 or more. There is an option for multi-year funding. In 2023, over £4m in funding was provided.

    Funds are provided in increments on the condition of successful interim reports.

    Who can apply

    You do not have to be a registered charity to be eligible to apply, however your work and the focus of your application must be for charitable purposes in the UK. All organisations must, as a basic requirement, have a constitution and a bank account, with the same name as the organisation.


    • Applications from overseas organisations
    • Applications from individuals
    • Applications to purchase buildings
    • Applications from statutory bodies
    • Endowment appeals
    • For capital works or major building works
    • For general charitable appeals
    • To pay back debt or cover past expenditure

    How to apply

    Apply online via the fund website.

    The closing date for applications is 5.00pm on Monday 08 July 2024.

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