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  • Money Advice Scotland - Ask The Expert Webinar with One Parent Families Scotland

    Created: 27/05/2024
    News/Events Category: Training and Learning
    This item will show under the following categories: Children and Families  

    When: 12.00-1.00, Tuesday 25 June 2024
    Where: Online
    This event is being organised by Money Advice Scotland
    This particular event is free to attend, so no payment is required.

    It is too late to book a place for this particular session, sorry about that.

    One Parent Families Scotland (OPFS) provides expert information, advice, and family support for one parent families, along with training activities and employability programmes OPFS campaigns with parents to make their voices heard to change the systems, policies and attitudes that disadvantage single parent families.

    OPFS is acutely aware that an ever-deepening cost of living crisis punctuated by rising debt means that low income single parent families are overwhelmed by already limited financial family incomes, with no respite in sight. The impact on family health and wellbeing is incalculable as single parents have faced.

    • Benefit cuts
    • Energy price increases
    • Low wages

    ‘Conditionality’ in Universal Credit while aiming to promote employment amongst single parents, doesn’t consider the complexities of their situations, leading to increased poverty, mental health deterioration, and challenges in parenting capacities and children’s wellbeing.

    This presentation will consider the above concerns by outlining some of the key observations and conclusions drawn from OPFS sources, such as their bi-monthly impact reports, consultations with single parents, and campaign findings. It will also highlight the main policy actions which OPFS are calling on the UK, Scottish and Local Governments to deliver, thus seeking to positively change single parents quality of life and improve their future outcomes.

    Book your place here.

    For more information visit this weblink

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