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  • Corra Foundation - Boost Fund

    Created: 02/05/2024
    News/Events Category: Funding and Finance
    This item will show under the following categories: Children and Families  

    Boost is delivered by Corra Foundation and is a partnership between the STV Children’s Appeal, Comic Relief and Corra Foundation. It is a small grants programme is for organisations supporting children and families in their local communities. It has been created to help groups that find the increases in basic running costs (for example utilities, salaries, transport) are making their work much more challenging.

    The fund aims to:

    • Provide an accessible and supportive funding opportunity for small community led organisations
    • Ensure accessible, supportive community led activities remain available to children and families despite the challenges the higher cost of living poses for charities and community groups

    You can apply for project and/or running costs.

    Fund award sizes

    Minimum: £250

    Maximum: £3,000

    Annually awarded: £225,000

    Notes on award amounts:

    • Charities, CICs and other constituted groups can apply for a minimum of £500 up to a maximum of £3,000
    • Unconstituted groups can apply for a minimum of £250 up to a maximum of £1,500

    There is £225,000 available to distribute, and they anticipate making approximately 80-120 grants.

    Who can apply

    Charities registered in Scotland or constituted voluntary or community organisations or CICs. Unconstituted groups can also apply for smaller grants.

    Maximum annual income: £50,000


    • Major capital appeals including building projects, motor vehicles and refurbishment costs
    • Retrospective funding
    • Promotion of religion
    • Activities which are party political
    • Mainstream activities and statutory requirements, for example of hospitals and medical centres, schools, universities and colleges
    • Work that takes place outwith Scotland
    • Bursaries or scholarships
    • Contributions to funds which will be used for grant making to other organisations and/or individuals
    • Sponsorship or marketing appeals

    How to apply

    Read the full guidance on the Corra Foundation website. Applications are also made online.

    There is no closing date. When all funding has been distributed, the programme will close for this year.

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