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  • Pets Foundation - Preventing Pet Relinquishment

    Created: 02/05/2024
    News/Events Category: Funding and Finance

    Pets Foundation provide funding to projects which aim to keep pets with their owners and out of rescue. This includes projects providing emergency pet fostering for people facing crisis, subsidised veterinary care, neutering schemes, and pet food banks.

    The Foundation will consider applications towards specific projects. This includes, but is not necessarily limited to:

    • Equipment used to care for animals
    • Expenditure on animal welfare, including food, vet bills and boarding fees
    • Capital projects
    • Vehicles used for the organisation’s main charitable activity(ies)
    • Salaries of staff directly involved in the provision of activities which aim to keep pets with their owners and prevent pet relinquishment
    • The funding of relevant learning and development opportunities for staff and volunteers directly involved in the delivery of the charity’s main activities

    The charitable activity for which the organisation is seeking funding must be one or more of the following:

    • The provision of temporary (‘foster’) care to pets for reasons including, but not limited to, their owner entering sheltered accommodation, needing hospitalisation, or escaping domestic abuse and/or
    • The provision of practical assistance to pet owners struggling to care for their pet due to their own ill-health, physical disability, financial circumstances or because they are homeless or vulnerably housed

    Fund award sizes

    Maximum: £80,000

    Notes on award amounts: They provide one-off grants or up to three years of funding, to a maximum of £80,000 per year.

    Who can apply

    The organisation must have been operating for a minimum of two years and can provide financial information for a 12 month period.


    12 months must have elapsed since your charity last received funds from the Pets Foundation.

    How to apply 

    Apply on the Pets Foundation website.

    The closing date for applications is Wednesday 31 July 2024.

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