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  • Bus Driver Recruitment Roadshow

    Created: 26/04/2024
    News/Events Category: Community Events
    This item will show under the following categories: Employability  

    When: 1.00-1.00, Wednesday 29 May 2024
    Where: St Columbas Church , Rothes Road, Glenrothes, KY6 1BN
    This event is being organised by Joined Up for Jobs

    It is too late to book a place for this particular session, sorry about that.

    Joined Up For Business have organised recruitment events throughout Fife, Lothian and Borders to recruit drivers for local bus operators as part of their Workforce Mobility Project. 

    At the event, attendees will: 

    • Meet recruitment teams from bus companies
    • Find out about roles in their area
    • Gain insight into the application/interview process

    How To Book 

    Scan the QR code on the image above, or click here to book your place.

    Contact: Carol Cairns
    E-mail: [email protected]

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