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  • Launch of “My Journey” journal to empower care-experienced young people in Scotland

    Created: 22/02/2024
    News/Events Category: Children and Families


    A new book aimed at helping care leavers in Scotland reclaim their stories was launched recently.

    The book titled My Journey was created by care experienced young people in the Highlands, in collaboration with Aberlour Children’s Charity, Barnardos, Highland Council and The Promise Scotland. The journal allows young people aged 12 and up with care experience to record important information about themselves. The Corra Foundation provided funding for the journal, and the young people behind it hope that every care experienced young person in Scotland will receive a copy.

    The journal was created in consultation with young people in the Highlands who expressed a desire to have more control over their lives. Growing up in care, the young people sometimes felt lost in what was going on around them, and it was difficult for them to hold onto information about themselves, such as where they lived, the names of adults they trusted, and important details about their life. That’s why they created My Journey, a secure space where they can record their stories, accomplishments, rights, and plan for the future.

    To request free copies of the My Journey journal, please contact Liz Nolan at Aberlour via e-mail [email protected]

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