voluntary organisations, social enterprises and volunteering
voluntary organisations, social enterprises and volunteering
Fife Climate Hub - NHS Fife 2030 Greenspace Strategy
Created: 18/01/2024In May 2023 NHS Fife published their ‘NHS Fife 2030 Greenspace Strategy’ which aims to deliver a groundbreaking approach to meeting the commitments outlined in the NHS Scotland Climate Emergency and Sustainability Strategy. It will also ensure that their green estate delivers a number of health promotional benefits to staff, patients and the wider community.
As part of this greenspace strategy, NHS Fife intend to collaborate with local partners and see how they can work together as a community to enhance greenspace for the benefit of everyone in Fife.
How can communities get involved?
NHS Fife would love for community groups in Fife to use some of the available greenspace to develop their own projects and help the team diversify and find more beneficial uses for the land.
During this session Kathryn Hastie, Sustainability Officer for NHS Fife, will outline exactly what the NHS Fife greenspace strategy hopes to achieve and the range of opportunities available to communities. They will also discuss funding, what project support will be available as well as what would be expected from you if you were to start a project. Finally they will discuss what the next steps are if you are interested and want to get involved.
Who should attend?
This event is for all interested community groups, community councils and development trusts in Fife.
How to book
Click here to book your place.