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  • Let's Be Heard - COVID-19 Inquiry early report

    Created: 04/12/2023
    News/Events Category: Health and Social Care

    The independent Scottish COVID-19 Inquiry’s listening project, Let’s Be Heard, is nearing the close of its national engagement phase. Since Spring 2023, Let’s Be Heard has been gathering people’s experiences of the COVID-19 pandemic across Scotland. Ahead of the closing date on 20 December 2023 they have two interesting updates to share.

    First report 

    The First Report shares early themes from some of the responses Let's Be Heard has received so far. Key highlights include: 

    • Contradictory and inconsistent guidance 
    • Key workers' difficulties accessing vaccinations and childcare 
    • Healthcare issues such as delayed or missed diagnoses and suspension of services 
    • Impacts on children and young people
    • Isolation and loneliness in older people
    • Mental health issues 
    • Decline in public trust for government and science

    Video Update 

    The video is an update on the progress of Let's Be Heard. They've already heard from more than 4,000 people and organisations. 

    Click here to find out more about Let's Be Heard and have your say. 

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