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  • Employer views needed - The Commission on the Future of Employment Support

    Created: 01/12/2023
    News/Events Category: Employability

    The Commission on the Future of Employment Support has been set up to develop evidence-led proposals for reform of the system of employment support and services, so that it can better meet the needs of individuals, employers, and the economy.

    The Commission is currently developing options for future reform – building on the analysis from the Call for Evidence and interim research published in the summer, succeeding the initial launch report.
    The Commission seeks proposals to fully involve people and organisations who use employment services now or who would want to use them in a reformed system, those who deliver or commission them, and wider stakeholders. As far as possible, The Commission wants to develop proposals that are co-designed, evidence-led and that can command broad support.
    The Commission is keen to hear from employers about what they need and want from the public employment service, which we’re defining as any public or publicly-funded services that:

    • Help employers to find, recruit and retain the right people for their jobs
    • Help people who want to move into work, stay in work or progress in work

    Your views can inform their research and help reform employment support.

    Please e-mail [email protected] to register your interest for a brief 20-30 minute telephone interview, and have your say about how public employment services should be helping employers recruit, develop and retain staff.

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