voluntary organisations, social enterprises and volunteering
voluntary organisations, social enterprises and volunteering
Youth Scotland - Safe Spaces Youth Work Fund
Created: 24/11/2023Youth Scotland have recently announced the launch of the Safe Spaces Youth Work Fund Supported by The RS Macdonald Charitable Trust, this new small-grant fund aims to expand and improve the youth work opportunities available for young people affected by abuse and other ACE's (Adverse Childhood Experiences).
There is funding for:
Funds can be used for general youth work activity which creates safe spaces for young people who have experienced trauma, as well as providing the opportunity to run issue-based programmes for young people affected by abuse and other Adverse Childhood Experiences, according to need.
The maximum amount per award is £2,000.
Who can apply?
Youth Scotland member youth groups which:
Please note that as this is a new fund, they are looking to fund a range of projects across Scotland, including organisations experienced in this topic and organisations who are newer to thinking about trauma informed youth work.
The closing date for applications is 11.59am on Friday 26 January 2024. Once they've received your application, they will review it to ensure all the information they need is included. Applications will be considered by a grants panel and they aim to let you know whether you have been successful or not within four weeks of the deadline.
For more information and to apply click here