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  • New Scots Refugee Integration Strategy - Edinburgh engagement event

    Created: 02/11/2023
    News/Events Category: Consultations

    Date: 07/11/2023

    Time: 10.00-2.30pm

    Venue: COSLA Conference Centre, 19 Haymarket Yards, Edinburgh, EH12 5BH

    Promoter: Scottish Refugee Council 

    Book your place here


    New Scots partners are holding a series of engagement events to inform the next iteration of the New Scots Refugee Integration Strategy and they want to hear from you!

    The New Scots Refugee Integration Strategy sets out a vision for a welcoming Scotland where refugees and people seeking asylum are able to rebuild their lives from the day they arrive.

    The Strategy is built on partnership and collaboration, led by the Scottish Government, COSLA and the Scottish Refugee Council, working together with public services, third sector organisations, and community groups. The New Scots approach towards integration seeks to provide a positive experience for refugees and people seeking asylum. The aim is to ensure New Scots live in safe and welcoming communities that enable them to rebuild their lives from the day they arrive in Scotland.

    Following on from the second New Scots Strategy, work is currently underway to develop a refreshed refugee integration strategy. They want to build on the pioneering and collaborative approach of the previous strategies, to continue to support refugees, people seeking asylum and communities across Scotland. As part of that, the New Scots partners are looking to ensure the strategy continues to be shaped by refugees and people seeking asylum, as well as those with expertise supporting them.

    Local authorities, third sector organisations, and community groups play an important role in Scotland’s welcome and long-term integration support. That’s why in addition to lived experience community consultation events, which will follow later, they are hosting a series of events aimed at sector professionals, community representatives and refugee leaders to hear your input.

    Who are these events for?

    Sector professionals supporting refugee integration in Scotland, including representatives from:

    • Refugee-assisting third sector organisations
    • Local Authority
    • Government
    • Public bodies
    • Funders
    • Community representatives and refugee leaders who have attended the New Scots Framework Orientation Day hosted by Scottish Refugee Council

    To ensure participation from as many organisations as possible, a maximum of three people (staff/volunteers) from each organisation (or department for public sector organisations) can register.

    These events are organised by Scottish Government, COSLA and Scottish Refugee Council and will be conducted in English.

    They are working to ensure New Scots continues to be shaped by refugees and people seeking asylum and lived experience community consultation events will follow separately.

    There are also events in other locations - 

    Dundee on Wednesday 08 November

    Aberdeen on Tuesday 14 November

    Online on Wednesday 15 November

    Glasgow on Thursday 16 November 

    Lunch will be provided at in-person sessions. 

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