voluntary organisations, social enterprises and volunteering
voluntary organisations, social enterprises and volunteering
Fife Violence Against Women Partnership - Training Programme 2023/24
Created: 16/10/2023Fife Violence Against Women Partnership (FVAWP) have launched their training programme for October 2023-March 2024.
Training and development is important to the FVAWP Action Plan 2023-25 to ensure staff are equipped and confident in supporting women and children impacted by all forms of violence against women.
The programme brings together all the training coordinated or recommended by FVAWP, available for the next six months. These organised learning opportunities cover a range of subjects, delivered through a variety of methods, including in-person, e-learning moduldes, and virtual webinars.
The programme is available to partners across Fife with the aim of providing workers and volunteers with the knowledge, confidence, and skills to respond appropriately when working with individuals affected by gender-based violence. Being equipped with the skills and confidence to take the right action and approach in our practice could go a long way in reducing the gender inequalities that exist and ensuring a ‘no wrong door’ approach within Fife.
Please note some courses will have pre-requisite requirements i.e. completing a Level 1 course before proceeding to a Level 2 course.
Click here to access the full training programme details.
If you require any information about any of the courses organised by FVAWP please contact them by e-mailing [email protected]
Course | Platform | Access | Time | Dates |
Human Trafficking Level 1 | E-learning | Access the course here | 1 hour | Any time |
Domestic Abuse Awareness Raising Tool Level 1 | E-learning | Access the course here | 1 hour | Any time |
Sexual Violence Basic Awareness Training Level 1 | E-learning | Access the course here | 1 hour | Any time |
Becoming Trauma Informed, Trauma Tier 1 training and Level 1 e-learning | E-learning | Access the course here | 1 hour | Any time |
Introduction to Child Sexual Exploitation Level 1 | E-learning | Access the course here | 2 hours | Any time |
Awareness of Forced Marriage Level 2 | E-learning | Access the course here | 2 hours | Any time |
Recognising and Preventing FGM Level 2 | E-learning | Access the course here | 2 hours | Any time |
Trauma Skilled Practice Trauma Tier 2 training and Level 2 e-learning | E-learning | Access the course here | 2 hours | Any time |