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  • Cupar Development Trust - Administration Officer

    Created: 09/10/2023
    News/Events Category: Job Vacancies

    Post: Administration Officer

    Hours: 16 per week. These hours of work are flexible and will include working outside 09.00 to 17.00 and will involve occasional weekend working in order to engage with other local organisations and to attend events. It is reasonable to assume that the hours will vary week to week.

    Salary: £30,000 per annum, pro rata (based on 37.5 hours FTE)

    Location: Working from home, occasional meetings in Cupar

    Cupar Development Trust (CDT) is seeking a highly motivated individual for the post of Administration Officer. You will provide professional support and advice to CDT's board, sub-committees, staff, and volunteers, and work with other organisations with which CDT is collaborating in pursuit of key activities across Cupar and District.

    In this exciting role, working in conjunction with the Development Officer, you will have crucial input on the delivery of:

    • Planning and implementing selected projects
    • Supporting the efforts of groups and individuals to bring about community improvement
    • Building partnerships with agencies able to access resources to intervene in community development
    • Promoting community capacity building
    • Initiating and supporting social enterprise

    Working in conjunction and supportively with the Development Officer, other staff, the Board and Chair of CDT, and all others involved in delivering CDT's objectives to:

    • Assist in the representation of CDT and its partners to the general public and in meetings with other appropriate agencies
    • Assist in ensuring that the policies and procedures of CDT are reviewed regularly and kept up to date
    • Preparing and circulating regular newsletters or briefings agreed by Board
    • Preparing and issuing press releases agreed by Board/Chair
    • Providing regular updates to CuparNow
    • Assisting with the design and conduct of surveys to assess community development priorities
    • Assisting in the organising of events, public meetings and consultation events led by CDT
    • Fulfilling any other duties reasonably directed by the Board
    • Maintaining CDT records
    • Taking, and updating minutes and agendas, and circulating documents as required
    • Filing documents and maintaining records in good order
    • Updating website
    • Maintaining CDT's suite of Policy Documents Monitoring e-mail correspondence and replying to clients

    Required Skills

    • Excellent communication skills, both written and oral 
    • Ability to work with wider community groups
    • Strong organisational skills and the ability to set and achieve realistic targets, and to manage own workload
    • Ability to work as a member of a team and to link with a wide range of other organisations
    • Sound computer, skills, using the MS Office suite of programmes, plus Zoom, and Teams
    • Social media skills and web literacy preferred but training will be provided.

    Holiday: 20 days paid leave per annum plus 10 public holidays, pro rata.

    Benefits: CDT will provide the necessary equipment including laptop, mobile phone, e-mail address, stationery and filing facilities. CDT will reimburse any car milage and additional insurance premium imposed whilst on CDT business. An allowance will be agreed to cover home heat and light, and any additional home insurance premium. (It is assumed that their home broadband will be sufficient for the needs of the post.)

    Period: Initially until 31/03/2024, up to one year's extension subject to Scottish Government's annual funding confirmation. Clean driving licence required.

    An application form and full job description can be obtained by e-mailing Mrs Anja Armstrong at [email protected] 

    Application forms are to be submitted to Nicky Bond at [email protected] by 12.00 on Monday 23 October 2023.

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