voluntary organisations, social enterprises and volunteering
voluntary organisations, social enterprises and volunteering
2023 Voluntary Sector and Volunteering Awards: The Winners
Created: 06/06/2023, Updated: 07/06/2023Fife Voluntary Action celebrated its Volunteering and Voluntary Sector Awards at the Glen Pavilion, Dunfermline on Wednesday 07 June 2023. The awards – which have not been held since 2019 due to the impact of the pandemic- recognise the exceptional work done by organisations and volunteers throughout Fife’s third sector across fifteen categories.
Hundreds of nominations were received from across the Kingdom, then whittled down to a shortlist of three in each category by an independent panel of judges. Those shortlisted were invited to the ceremony- hosted by former Kingdom FM broadcaster Ali McLaren- to enjoy a buffet reception and entertainment from local artists Kieran Forbes and John Muir.
Also presented at the event were seven Long Service Awards- for volunteers who have contributed for more than twenty years- and four Saltire Summit Awards, which recognise young volunteers that have made an outstanding contribution to volunteering in their local area.
The Lord Provost, Cllr Jim Leishman MBE, presented all awards.
FVA’s Chief Executive, Kenny Murphy, hailed the return of the event and what they show of the third sector locally:
“It has been great to hold a large event again and to welcome so many unsung heroes from across Fife to receive some worthy recognition for what they do.
“There are thousands of voluntary sector organisations and tens of thousands of volunteers contributing to the Fife we know and love. Without them, society wouldn't be recognisable.
“Once again, we received hundreds of nominations, and our judging panel had a hard time picking just one recipient for each of our awards. It’s truly humbling to hear about the huge impact volunteers and voluntary organisations have on the lives of Fifers.
“Well done to all those who were nominated and especially to the incredibly worthy winners.”
The Awards have taken place since 2012 and are the centrepiece of FVA’s activities recognising Volunteers’ Week- a national celebration of the value of volunteering.
Active Organisation Award
Carnegie Dojo
(The Karate Initiative)
Equality & Diversity Award
‘Making it Work’
Green/Environmental Award
Grow West Fife
Organisation of the Year Award
Partnership Award
Fairway Fife and
Fife Council Employability Team
Reducing Inequalities Award
Fife Gingerbread –
Lone Parents, Poverty and Work Project
Socially Enterprising Award
Super Start-Up Award
Active Volunteer Award
Ruby McDonald
(Active Schools – Auchmuty High School)
Inspirational Volunteer Award
Janet Kerr
(Greener Kirkcaldy)
Mature Volunteer Award
Peter and Barbara Duff
(Glenrothes and District Across Group)
Trustee/Board Member Award
Brian Robertson
(Fife Employability Access Trust)
Volunteer of the Year Award
Carlyn Cane
(Peacocks in Pittencrieff Park)
Volunteering into Work Award
Casey Gillespie
(Fairway Fife)
Young Volunteer Award
Nicole Donnachie
(Guide Dogs Scotland)
Long Service Awards
35+ Years
Lynda Spence (Community of Collydean)
30+ Years:
Betty Hanna (seescape)
Hillary Brennan (seescape)
Joyce Finlayson (Fife Day Care Service)
Peter Duff (Glenrothes and District Across Group)
Barbara Duff (Glenrothes and District Across Group)
25+ Years
Susan Matson (LINK Adolescent Befriending Project)
Dorothy Lindsay (Fife Day Care Services)
Saltire Summit Awards
Bailey Catnigani (Glenrothes Youth Forum)
Charli McCormick (Glenrothes Youth Forum)
Colin John (CJ) Hayes (Auchmuty and Dovecot Tenants and Residents Association)
Jase McCormick (Auchmuty and Dovecot Tenants and Residents Association)