voluntary organisations, social enterprises and volunteering
voluntary organisations, social enterprises and volunteering
North East Fife Area Committee - Community Recovery Funding
Created: 18/05/2023, Updated: 30/05/2023NE Fife Area Committee have approved the allocation of Community Recovery Funding to set up a small grants scheme to help support constituted community groups and organisations across NE Fife to increase the amount of food grown in their local community; this includes educating people to grow food in their own individual gardens.
This is in line with sustainable access to food and climate emergency priorities in the Recovery and Renewal Plan4Fife 2021-2024, NE Fife Local Community Plan and the Rural Poverty Action Plan 2023-2026.
Completed applications to be e-mailed to Laiza Lorimer - [email protected] by 09 June along with the groups constitution and bank details as requested on the form.
Growing Food Small Grant Application