voluntary organisations, social enterprises and volunteering
voluntary organisations, social enterprises and volunteering
Quality standards for adult secondary mental health services - Consultation
Created: 28/01/2023The Scottish Government wants to hear your views on the draft quality standards for adult secondary mental health services.
What are adult secondary mental health services?
Secondary mental healthcare services are usually services that need a referral from your GP or another healthcare service.
Secondary mental health services are usually made up of community mental health teams (CMHTs) and adult in-patient mental health wards.
Currently, there are no national standards for adult secondary mental health services in Scotland. Both people with lived experience and people who work and volunteer in services have identified this as a barrier in the delivery provision of quality care and support.
The aims of the standards for adult secondary services are:
Your answers to this consultation will inform the content of the final standards and develop the Government measures if these standards are being met. The consultation closes for views on 17 March 2023.