voluntary organisations, social enterprises and volunteering
voluntary organisations, social enterprises and volunteering
FVA receives award of recognition for a decade of hard work and commitment to Fife communities
Created: 09/12/2022On Thursday 08 December, Fife Voluntary Action (FVA) received an esteemed award of recognition from Fife Council for a decade of hard work and commitment to the communities of Fife.
The award was presented to several FVA staff members at a Civic Reception held in Kirkcaldy Townhouse, where other individuals and organisations were recognised for their incredible contributions to Fife and Fifers.
(Image: From left to right, Catriona Teasdale (FVA volunteer), John Jones, (Chair of the Board of Trustees), Jacquie Mellon (Head of Health and Social Care, FVA), Corinna Crawford (PA, FVA), Chris Steer (Project Support Officer, FVA), Cllr Jim Leishman (MBE, Provost of Fife), Kenny Murphy (CEO, FVA), John McGuire (Trustee), George Cuthill (Timebanking Development Officer, FVA), and Helen Rorrison (Head of Community Development, FVA).
FVA was formed in 2012 through the merger of CVS Fife, VONEF and Volunteer Centre Fife. We provide a wide range of support to third sector organisations and have expertise in a wide range of skills and topics including governance, funding, legislation, policy, volunteering, managing people, planning and problem solving. We have around 35 staff members covering these activities across Fife, operating from our offices in Glenrothes, Kirkcaldy and Leven.
To find out more about FVA, please click here.