voluntary organisations, social enterprises and volunteering
voluntary organisations, social enterprises and volunteering
Fife International Forum Pre-Academy Programme
Created: 31/10/2022, Updated: 01/11/2022Fife International Forum (FIF) formerly known as Fife Migrants Forum; is a leading, high-quality, and people-led charity that has years of experience working with migrant communities living in Fife. We are currently funded by Opportunities Fife: No One Left Behind to deliver a pre-academy programme. The team currently recruiting for the third cohort due to start in January 2023 and registrations are open until 30 November 2022.
The overall aim of the programme is to empower individuals to develop the foundation skills employers are looking for. The academy will operate for 6 weeks with inputs within a classroom style and will focus on determination, confidence building, resilience, emotional stability, abilities, knowledge, and skills. The workshops will also focus on what is expected from employees in terms of teamwork, self-management, communication, prioritising, respect, reliability and more. The participants will attend tailored person-centred activities on the other days. This could include coaching, ESOL classes, SDS meetings, and CV writing courses. After 6 weeks of workshops, the participants will move on to 4 weeks of work placement and will continue to receive support from FIF staff and volunteers on this journey. The academy being person-centred will natural aspiration to meet opportunities.
The programme is designed for all migrants from 16 to 60 years old who are not in education or employment. The programme is also open to people from Fife (Scottish People) who have perhaps not had the opportunity to access mainstream services – this will support integration. As part of the process, the team will undertake holistic assessments for all candidates and will design individual learning plans with clear objectives and goals.
To access the referral form, click here.
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