voluntary organisations, social enterprises and volunteering
voluntary organisations, social enterprises and volunteering
Free good quality office furniture and IT equipment available for charities/community groups in Fife
Created: 29/03/2022, Updated: 24/08/2022Earlier this year, CORGI HomePlan Ltd announced the closure of its offices towards the end of this year in Dunfermline, Fife (which closes at the end of October 2022). The organisation still has a large quantity of free good quality office furniture and IT equipment available and is looking to distribute the items to organisations and groups in the local area that would make the best use of them.
Examples of the items available:
Interested parties should get in touch with Jackie Simpson (Business Support Manager, CORGI HomePlan Ltd) by e-mailing [email protected] with a rough list of what furniture items it is that they require.
Please note: CORGI HomePlan Ltd will try to meet the needs of organisations, but this is a first come first served offer, so it cannot commit to supplying all the furniture that organisations have requested.
Additionally, you must have the means to travel and pick up the furniture at its offices in Dunfermline (1 Masterton Park, S Castle Dr, Dunfermline KY11 8NX).