voluntary organisations, social enterprises and volunteering
voluntary organisations, social enterprises and volunteering
Afghan Refugee Crisis: Council, FVA and partners co-ordinating offers of help
Created: 25/08/2021Fife Council and local charities have been inundated with enquiries from people keen to help refugees fleeing Afghanistan. Fife Voluntary Action (FVA) is co-ordinating these offers of support, on behalf of all the agencies in the Fife Partnership.
Council Co-leaders, Cllr David Alexander and Cllr David Ross said: "Our work continues with local and national partners to make sure Fife can help Afghan refugees as they arrive in the country. We want to thank everyone who’s expressed support and offered to help, or donate things, since we confirmed this work was underway.”
Cllr Judy Hamilton, Community & Housing Convener said: “As ever, Fifers are showing their generosity and welcoming community spirit. Together we will be able to help families that have lost their own homes and communities, to restart their lives.
“First, we need to gather the right things to meet these families’ initial needs, in a manageable way. Fife Voluntary Action will coordinate donations and signpost people to other ways you can help.”
To find out more about what to donate and how:
Kenny Murphy, Chief Executive said: “Fifers have a long and proud tradition of being welcoming and helping fellow citizens, no matter what crisis they face. Desperate families fleeing Afghanistan without their personal possessions will need a lot of support and we’re working together in Fife to do what we can.
“We particularly need baby clothes, children’s clothes, warmer adult clothes and toiletries. And we can accept much-needed donations of goods, money and more across the Kingdom.
“Details of how to donate are on our website, or people can call us if they can’t get online. Listed items can be dropped off at FVA offices in Kirkcaldy and Glenrothes during normal business hours and a growing list of drop-off points will be kept up to date on the website.”
If you’re concerned about family or friends in Afghanistan:
At the moment, there’s no way to enquire about Afghan nationals who may be assisted through the new Afghan Citizen Resettlement Scheme. We'll provide details about advice when it becomes available.