voluntary organisations, social enterprises and volunteering
voluntary organisations, social enterprises and volunteering
FVA launches new Befriending Resilience project for befriending organisations in Fife
Created: 17/02/2021, Updated: 18/02/2021We are very aware that during recent months befriending activity has increased across Fife, with many organisations addressing recent challenges by making changes and adaptations to their service provision.
Our new Befriending Resilience project will support organisations that operate in Fife and currently deliver any type of befriending work. We have received some funding from Fife Council to enable this exciting project to happen.
If your organisation delivers a befriending project as part of your core service, or you have developed a new service to support your service-users during COVID-19, we invite you to join our network of like-minded organisations.
We will shortly launch a Befriending Forum whereby organisations can come together to connect with, learn from, and support one another. The first of these forums will take place mid-March 2021 via Zoom. Further information will follow in the coming weeks.
In addition, we will seek to work with others, like Befriending Networks, to harness the best resources and expertise available to support these befriending organisations. We will offer training and support to befrienders - designed to build their confidence and capacity - as well as support to organisations to ensure they have easy and free access to best practice resources.
This is an exciting piece of work, established to support the wide range of fantastic befriending services currently offered throughout Fife. If you have any initial questions about this new project, please e-mail [email protected]