voluntary organisations, social enterprises and volunteering
voluntary organisations, social enterprises and volunteering
Fife's Third Sector Locality Forums announcement
Created: 22/10/2020The past few months has widely demonstrated the significant value of the third sector and the importance of collaborating, sharing information and working together and
we know that these qualities will be indispensable as things progress.
Our Third Sector Forum has provided a space for our sector to come together to enhance Fife's resilience against the ongoing effects of COVID-19 and we plan to develop that potential further by launching our Third Sector Locality Forums across Fife's seven locality areas - North East Fife, Glenrothes, Kirkcaldy, Levenmouth, Cowdenbeath, Dunfermline and South West Fife.
They will run quarterly, with each Forum hearing the same national and regional updates from FVA, but there will be space for staff to discuss how we increase participation, create purposeful partnerships, and continue to develop community wealth building locally. By delivering our Forums at a locality level, we hope we can all learn from each other about distinct issues, strategies, and perspectives on the role of the third sector in each area.
We believe this is an exciting step forward for Fife's third sector and we'll announce more details on this over the next few weeks - so keep an eye out on our website for updates!