voluntary organisations, social enterprises and volunteering
voluntary organisations, social enterprises and volunteering
Third sector focus groups - GIRFEC in Fife
Created: 09/01/2020Fife Children’s Services Strategic Partnership has been selected as one of two test sites for the Scottish Government GIRFEC Collective Leadership Programme.
The Collective Leadership Programme builds on the elements of the Christie Report (2011) which emphasised the strong potential for more effective public services to be created through a greater depth of collaboration and active participation with service users and wider communities.
GIRFEC involves changes in culture, systems and practice and the strength of this culture will affect the way children and families experience services. Chief officers play a vital role in shaping the direction of services by ensuring that the strategy for all services that affect children and families are consistent and coherent with the Getting it right for every child approach
The Collective Leadership Programme will support our Children’s Service Partnership to develop a common and shared narrative around children’s service planning and service delivery and will reinforce the framework for children’s services across professional disciplines, and with children and families. This approach will also enhance collaborative working and provide a process for continuous improvement supporting leaders at all levels in the partnership, by enabling learning to be applied to live situations as part of the ‘day job’.
The Programme commenced in August with Chief Executives, Directors and strategic leaders across the partnership in conjunction with the Scottish Government facilitation team.
A process of GIRFEC self evaluation activity is now in place and includes the following areas:
Being involved in the Collective Leadership Programme affords Fife Partnership a great opportunity to further develop GIRFEC and Integrated Children’s Services practice.
To gain a greater insight into GIRFEC activity in Fife, the Scottish Government have specifically requested the engagement of a number of structured single agency focus groups as well as focus groups of children and young people. As part of this, there are a number of focus groups being organised to share the work taking place to support children, young people and families. There are two third sector groups planned, with a combination of managers and practitioner, facilitated by Scottish Government.