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Organisation Details

  • Grow West Fife

    Created/last updated: 12/05/2023  

    Aims and objectivesGrow West Fife is a community garden based in the walled garden of Blair Castle, just outside Culross. It began when a small group of volunteers came together during the pandemic to grow food for local people in need. Their mission is to help local communities live healthily and sustainably by creating a productive, environment-friendly and beautiful fruit and vegetable garden, where everyone is welcome - mental wellbeing and social inclusion are at the heart of what they do. They run several gardening sessions every week as well as a wide range of free workshops, cooking sessions, ''˜field to fork'' sessions and regular community meals. They are also trying to do their bit to save the planet with increased biodiversity, natural growing, seed saving and a range of events and activities.

    Key Area(s) of Work:

    Environment / Recycling
    Food Banks
    Fundraising / Funding
    Mental Health
    Sport / Leisure / Recreation

    AddressGrow West Fife,
    The Walled Garden,
    Blair Castle
    KY12 8HN
    E-mail[email protected]
    TwitterWe don't have Twitter details for this organisation
    Telephone0771 8920001
    Area coveredLocal communities in Fife
    Registered Charity?SC051026

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