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Organisation Details

  • East Fife Community Football Club

    Created/last updated: 08/02/2023  

    Aims and objectivesEFCFC is a community-based football club located in Methil, Fife. We have a "football for all" policy for children, adults and volunteers. We currently have 18 youth football teams, an over 35 team and an Amateur team. We also work closely with East Fife Girls and Women football. We have a large pool of volunteers who manage the day to day running of our teams, a small committee to run the club and 2 full time and 4 self-employed members of staff. Our community classes support all participants from age 18 months to adults ranging from mini fifers to walking football. Included in our community classes are mental health programs, FFIT programs, disability activities and school programs. We are always striving to find more ways to engage with the local community. Our aim is to ensure that there is a space for everyone in the community to attend, not only to participate in football but to better their health and well being.

    Key Area(s) of Work:

    Children Services
    Community Engagement
    Community Facilities
    Young People

    Addressc/o Locality Hub Bayview Harbour View
    KY8 3RW
    E-mail[email protected]
    Telephone07534 530265
    Area coveredLocal communities in Fife
    Registered Charity?SC049504

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