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Partnerships Networks and Forums - News and Events Older, archived items that may be of interest: - National Care Service - regional forums (expired) (over a year ago) - Health and Social Care Forum, Mental Health Forum, and Befriending Forum timetable for 2023 (expired) (over a year ago) - Voluntary Sector Children's Services Forum (VSCSF) (expired) (over a year ago) - Mental Health Forum (December 2021) (expired) (over a year ago) - Health and Social Care and Mental Health Forums timetable for 2022 (expired) (over a year ago) - Health and Social Care and Mental Health Forums timetable for 2021 (expired) (over a year ago) - Volunteer Managers‘ Forum 16 September (expired) (over a year ago) - Voluntary Sector Children's Services Forum (expired) (over a year ago) - Voluntary Sector Children's Forum (expired) (over a year ago) - Health and Social Care Forum (May 2021) (expired) (over a year ago) - Mental Health Forum (September 2021) (expired) (over a year ago) - Mental Health Forum (June 2021) (expired) (over a year ago) - Health and Social Care Forum (November 2021) (expired) (over a year ago) - Health and Social Care Forum (October 2021) (expired) (over a year ago) - Health and Social Care Forum (August 2021) (expired) (over a year ago) - Health and Social Care Forum (July 2021) (expired) (over a year ago) - Health and Social Care Forum (April 2021) (expired) (over a year ago) - Mental Health Forum - March 2021 (expired) (over a year ago) - Health and Social Care Forum (expired) (over a year ago) - Voluntary Sector Children‘s Services Forum (expired) (over a year ago) - Voluntary Sector Children‘s Services Forum (expired) (over a year ago) - December's Health and Social Care Forum (expired) (over a year ago) - Health and Social Care Forum - November (expired) (over a year ago) - Voluntary Sector Children‘s Services Forum (expired) (over a year ago) - Volunteer Managers' Forum (expired) (over a year ago) - Voluntary Sector Children‘s Services Forum - Re-commissioning of Services (expired) (over a year ago) - Voluntary Sector Children‘s Services Forum - Re-commissioning of Services (expired) (over a year ago) - Mental Health Forum - October (expired) (over a year ago) - Third Sector Forum - October (expired) (over a year ago) - Voluntary Sector Children‘s Services Forum (expired) (over a year ago) - Strategic Commissioning of Children's Services (expired) (over a year ago) - Volunteer Managers' Forum (expired) (over a year ago) - Third Sector Forum (expired) (over a year ago) - Fife Employability Forum - September (expired) (over a year ago) - September Health and Social Care Forum (expired) (over a year ago) - August Health and Social Care Forum (expired) (over a year ago) - Health and Social Care Forum (expired) (over a year ago) - April Health and Social Care Forum (expired) (over a year ago) - Community Justice Forum (expired) (over a year ago) - March Mental Health Forum (expired) (over a year ago) - Delivering Differently - Mental Health and Work Indicator Training (expired) (over a year ago) - Mental Health Forum - 12 March 2020 (expired) (over a year ago) - Popup Business School - FREE training sessions (expired) (over a year ago) - H&SC Localities Newsletter - December 2019 (expired) (over a year ago) - 2020 Schedule of Health and Social Care and Mental Health Forums (expired) (over a year ago) - Dementia Friendly Fife - A Year on Report (expired) (over a year ago) - March Fife Employability Forum (expired) (over a year ago) - February Health and Social Care Forum (expired) (over a year ago) - Third sector Mental Health Strategic Implementation Group Representative announced (expired) (over a year ago) - Third Sector Employability Forum Conversation (expired) (over a year ago) - Third sector focus groups - GIRFEC in Fife (expired) (over a year ago) - Community Justice Forum - Jan 2020 (expired) (over a year ago) - Volunteer Managers‘ Forum - 05 December 2019 (expired) (over a year ago) - Health and Social Care Forum - November 2019 (expired) (over a year ago) - Mental Health Forum - December 2019 (expired) (over a year ago) - Fife Employability Forum - November 2019 (expired) (over a year ago) - Health and Social Care Forum - October 2019 (expired) (over a year ago) - Children's Services Forum and upcoming workshop (expired) (over a year ago) - Mental Health Forum refresh (expired) (over a year ago) - Children's Services Forum next meets on 23 July (expired) (over a year ago) - Using Befriending evidence to inform commissioning in Fife (expired) (over a year ago) - Making it Happen in Fife - Health and Social Care Strategic Planning Workshop (expired) (over a year ago) - Health and Social Care Integration: Audit Scotland Report (expired) (over a year ago) - Fife Health and Social Care Partnership launch first Localities Newsletter (expired) (over a year ago) - South West Fife Health & Social Care Locality Planning Group - Thursday 22 February - Rosyth (expired) (over a year ago) - KnowFife Partnership Hub Launches (expired) (over a year ago) - New Fife Health and Social Care Partnership staff and public website now live! (expired) (over a year ago) - Tayside & Fife CLD Professional Learning Alliance - Workforce Development Survey - Closes 25 October (expired) (over a year ago) - Volunteer Managers' Forum - Book Now! (expired) (over a year ago) - Let's Talk - about the Local Outcome Improvement Plan (LOIP) for Fife (expired) (over a year ago) - Heritage Trust Network 2017 Conference (expired) (over a year ago) - Community Resources Network Scotland Conference 02 November 2017 (expired) (over a year ago) - Know Your Network 2017, Wednesday 06 September, Dunfermline (expired) (over a year ago) - Volunteer Managers Forum (expired) (over a year ago) - Fife Health and Social Care Partnership Annual Report 2016-17 (expired) (over a year ago) - Note of the Joint Employability, Health and Social Care Forum (expired) (over a year ago) - Fife Health and Social Care Partnership Locality and Cluster Area Profiles (expired) (over a year ago) - National Missing Persons Framework for Scotland (expired) (over a year ago) - Invitation to March Health and Social Care Forum - Locality Planning (expired) (over a year ago) - Invitation to Fife's Joint Employability, Health and Social Care Forum (expired) (over a year ago) - Notes and presentations from the November Fife Employability Forum (expired) (over a year ago) - Note of the December Health and Social Care Forum (expired) (over a year ago) - Scotland’s House of Care Learning Report (expired) (over a year ago) - Note of the November Health and Social Care Forum (expired) (over a year ago) - Consultation: Blueprint 2020: The Expansion of Early Learning and Childcare in Scotland (expired) (over a year ago) - Consultation: Empowering Teachers, Parents and Communities to Achieve Excellence and Equity in Education (expired) (over a year ago) - Fife Voluntary Action - Volunteer Managers' Forum (expired) (over a year ago) - Emerging Community Planning Guidance from Scottish Government (expired) (over a year ago) - Children's Services - Named Person Briefing (expired) (over a year ago) - Children in Fife Partnership publishes latest newsletter (expired) (over a year ago) - Summary Report Know Your Network 2016 (expired) (over a year ago) - Note of the September Health and Social Care Forum (expired) (over a year ago) - New Chair of Fife’s Integration Joint Board Announced (expired) (over a year ago) - Note of the July Health and Social Care Forum (expired) (over a year ago) - Volunteer Managers' Forum - Save the Date! (expired) (over a year ago) - Notes and presentations from Fife Employability Forum, Wednesday 25 May 2016 (expired) (over a year ago) - June Health and Social Care Forum Report (expired) (over a year ago) - Helping Disabled people into the workplace – Free event for employers (expired) (over a year ago) - Latest Health and Social Care Forum Report (expired) (over a year ago) - Latest Health and Social Care Forum Report (expired) (over a year ago) - Fife Third Sector GIRFEC Training Questionnaire (expired) (over a year ago) - Strategic Plan for Health and Social Care Integration in Fife published (expired) (over a year ago) - Notes and presentations from Fife Employability Forum, Wednesday 24 February 2016 (expired) (over a year ago) - Latest Health and Social Care Forum Report (expired) (over a year ago) - Latest Health and Social Care Forum Report (expired) (over a year ago) - Volunteer Managers' Forum - Save the Date! (expired) (over a year ago) - Latest Health and Social Care Forum Report (expired) (over a year ago) - Latest Health and Social Care Forum Report (expired) (over a year ago) - Notes and presentations from Fife Employability Forum, Wednesday 25 November 2015 (expired) (over a year ago) - Self-Management Fund Workshop (expired) (over a year ago) - Latest Health and Social Care Forum Report (expired) (over a year ago) - Draft strategic plan for Health and Social Care Integration in Fife launched (expired) (over a year ago) - Latest Health and Social Care Forum Report (expired) (over a year ago) - Notes and presentations from Fife Employability Forum, Wednesday 26 August 2015 (expired) (over a year ago) - Latest Health and Social Care Forum Report (expired) (over a year ago) - Volunteer Managers Forum - Tuesday 08 September 2015 (expired) (over a year ago) - Children's Services Inspection - Newsletter 4 (expired) (over a year ago) - Last chance to book a place! - VSCSF Breakfast Meeting (expired) (over a year ago) - Final Forging Connections Summary Report (expired) (over a year ago) - Children's Services Inspection - Newsletter 3 (expired) (over a year ago) - Latest Health and Social Care Forum Report (expired) (over a year ago) - Latest Health and Social Care Forum Report (expired) (over a year ago) - VSCSF Forging Connections Event Summary Report (expired) (over a year ago) - Last chance to book a place! - VSCSF Breakfast Meeting (expired) (over a year ago) - Voluntary Sector Children's Services Forum Update 21st May (expired) (over a year ago) - Voluntary Sector Children's Services Forum Update (expired) (over a year ago) - Latest Health and Social Care Forum Report (expired) (over a year ago) - Volunteer Managers’ Forum - April Meeting (expired) (over a year ago) - Joint Employability and Health and Social Care Forum Report (expired) (over a year ago) - Latest Health and Social Care Forum Report (expired) (over a year ago) - Save the Date - VSCSF Networking Event (expired) (over a year ago) - Latest Health and Social Care Forum Report (expired) (over a year ago) - Voluntary Sector Mental Health Forum Workshop (expired) (over a year ago) - Latest Health and Social Care Report (expired) (over a year ago) - Latest Fife Employability Forum Report (expired) (over a year ago) - Latest Health and Social Care Forum Report (expired) (over a year ago) - A New Project for families and children under 4 in South West Fife (expired) (over a year ago) - Health and Social Care Integration Engagement Events, November 2014 (expired) (over a year ago) - Health and Social Care Forum, Friday 05 September 2014 Report (expired) (over a year ago) - Health and Social Care Forum Report, Thursday 07 August (expired) (over a year ago) - First Health and Social Care Forum Report (expired) (over a year ago) - New Health and Social Care Forum, Thursday 03 July 2014 (expired) (over a year ago) - Voluntary Sector Mental Health Forum (expired) (over a year ago) Suggest an update/report an error/enquire about this page
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