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Funding and Finance - News and Events Older, archived items that may be of interest: - DELETED (expired) (over a year ago) - DELETED (expired) (over a year ago) - PRS for Music Foundation: the Open Fund for Organisations (expired) (over a year ago) - Fife Health and Social Partnership: Community Chest (expired) (over a year ago) - UKSPF Multiply funding to improve numeracy skills (expired) (over a year ago) - Firstport have opened Expressions of Interest for the 2023 Social Innovation Challenge (expired) (over a year ago) - Culture and Business Fund Scotland (expired) (over a year ago) - North East Fife Area Committee - Community Recovery Funding (expired) (over a year ago) - Carnegie Dunfermline Trust (expired) (over a year ago) - UK Government - Community Ownership Fund (expired) (over a year ago) - Low Carbon Vacant and Derelict Land Investment Programme (expired) (over a year ago) - Scottish Government - Regeneration Capital Grant Fund (expired) (over a year ago) - The Scottish Hydro Electric Community Trust (expired) (over a year ago) - The Woodward Charitable Trust - General Fund (Families and young people) (expired) (over a year ago) - Essentia Foundation (expired) (over a year ago) - Sustrans - Love your Network Grant Fund (expired) (over a year ago) - Volunteering Matters Action Earth - Grab a Grant (expired) (over a year ago) - Co-op Local Community Funding (expired) (over a year ago) - The Henry Moore Foundation (expired) (over a year ago) - The Scottish Children's Lottery Trust - Apply for funding (expired) (over a year ago) - Grab A Grant - Volunteering Matters Action Earth 2023 (expired) (over a year ago) - Firstport - Advice for growing Social Enterprises (expired) (over a year ago) - The William Syson Foundation (advancing the arts, heritage and culture) (expired) (over a year ago) - Firstport - Social Innovation Challenge (expired) (over a year ago) - The Triangle Trust 1949 Trust - Young Offender Grants (expired) (over a year ago) - Commissioning opportunity for third sector organisations to support people experiencing distress (expired) (over a year ago) - £1.1 Million funding for short breaks projects for carers and the people they care for: APPLY NOW! (expired) (over a year ago) - Tesco have just launched funding prioritising children in schools (expired) (over a year ago) - Austin and Hope Pilkington Trust (expired) (over a year ago) - National Lottery Awards (expired) (over a year ago) - Learning Through Landscapes - Nature Grant (expired) (over a year ago) - The Jo Walters Trust - Maths Grant (expired) (over a year ago) - Thomas Wall Trust (expired) (over a year ago) - The Women and Girls Match Fund (expired) (over a year ago) - FCC Scottish Action Fund (communities and land use) (expired) (over a year ago) - Opportunities Fife Partnership Commissioning Framework is launched (expired) (over a year ago) - Impact Funding Partners - Social Isolation & Loneliness Fund 2023 - 2026 (expired) (over a year ago) - The7stars foundation - Project Applications (expired) (over a year ago) - Localgiving - Magic Little Grants (expired) (over a year ago) - Zero Waste Scotland - Community Fridges Pilot Fund (expired) (over a year ago) - Unpaid adult & young carers can get £500 to take a short break (expired) (over a year ago) - Corra Foundation - The Household Hardship Fund (expired) (over a year ago) - Bank of Scotland Foundation - Invest (addressing disadvantage or social exclusion) (expired) (over a year ago) - Accenture Sustainable Community Challenge - Scotland (expired) (over a year ago) - Whole Family Wellbeing Co-production Grant (expired) (over a year ago) - Canoe Foundation (widening canoeing participation) (expired) (over a year ago) - *DELETE* (expired) (over a year ago) - The Charity Governance Awards (expired) (over a year ago) - Crowdfunder and Fife Council - Up to £2,000 available to support great ideas in Fife! (expired) (over a year ago) - KFC Foundation Community Grants Programme (expired) (over a year ago) - Woodward Charitable Trust - Children's Summer Playscheme Grants (expired) (over a year ago) - Austin and Hope Pilkington Trust (children & young people in/out of care & ex-prisoners) (expired) (over a year ago) - UK Youth - Cost of Living Funding (expired) (over a year ago) - The Henry Moore Foundation (supporting the growth and development of sculpture) (expired) (over a year ago) - Challenge Fund launched for projects to improve parents’ access to conflict support (expired) (over a year ago) - BWB Foundation - Stephen Lloyd Awards (addressing social change) (expired) (over a year ago) - Research Data Scotland - Public Engagement Fund (expired) (over a year ago) - ScotMid Coop - Community Connect (expired) (over a year ago) - Ashden UK Award (delivering sustainable energy at a local level) (expired) (over a year ago) - Sea-Changers Coastal Fountain Fund (expired) (over a year ago) - Family Fund (essential items for families on low incomes) (expired) (over a year ago) - The William Syson Foundation (arts, heritage and culture) (expired) (over a year ago) - PRS for Music Foundation - The Open Fund for Organisations (expired) (over a year ago) - Mark McCall Home Safety Fund (expired) (over a year ago) - Ufi Charitable Trust - VocTech Activate (digital tools for skill building) (expired) (over a year ago) - British Ecological Society - Outreach Grants (expired) (over a year ago) - Ufi Charitable Trust - VocTech Activate (digital tools/approaches to gain skills for work) (expired) (over a year ago) - The Care Family - Multiplier (enhancing local leaders) (expired) (over a year ago) - Agnes Hunter Trust SCIO (health and social welfare) (expired) (over a year ago) - Our Minds Matter Short-Term Community Grants (expired) (over a year ago) - Commissioning for across Fife delivery of Fife Schools’ Counselling Services (expired) (over a year ago) - The Scottish Government - Rural and Islands Housing Funds (expired) (over a year ago) - Alzheimer Scotland - Winter Essentials Fund (expired) (over a year ago) - SGN Safe and Warm scheme (expired) (over a year ago) - Co-op Foundation - Future Communities Fund (expired) (over a year ago) - The National Archives - Archives Revealed Cataloguing Grants Programme (expired) (over a year ago) - Corra Foundation - The Household Hardship Fund (expired) (over a year ago) - The Wolfson Foundation - Funding for Places (expired) (over a year ago) - Family Fund - Your Opportunity scheme (expired) (over a year ago) - Family Fund (expired) (over a year ago) - Action Earth Grants (expired) (over a year ago) - University Community Fund (expired) (over a year ago) - Creative Scotland - Youth Music Initiative: Strengthening Youth Music (expired) (over a year ago) - Youth Music - Incubator Fund (expired) (over a year ago) - The Henry Moore Foundation (For those involved in the field of sculpture) (expired) (over a year ago) - Climate Action Fife Small Grants Fund (expired) (over a year ago) - ASH Scotland - Small Grants (expired) (over a year ago) - The Scottish Refugee Council - Reaching New Scots Fund (expired) (over a year ago) - The Scottish Children’s Lottery Trust (expired) (over a year ago) - Community Food Provider – Small Grant (expired) (over a year ago) - Fife Council - Community Action Microgrants (expired) (over a year ago) - Fife Council - Community Groups and Young people Micro Grant (expired) (over a year ago) - Digital Lifelines Small Grants Fund 2022 (expired) (over a year ago) - Fife Council - Fife Events Development Fund (expired) (over a year ago) - Essentia Foundation (improving the health, social welfare & skills of young people) (expired) (over a year ago) - The Women’s Fund for Scotland (expired) (over a year ago) - Corra Foundation - Local Support Fund Micro Grants (expired) (over a year ago) - Corra Foundation - Improvement Fund (expired) (over a year ago) - Corra Foundation - Children and Families Fund (expired) (over a year ago) - Creative Scotland - Made in Scotland Showcase (expired) (over a year ago) - EventScotland - Community Cycling Fund (expired) (over a year ago) - Centre for Cultural Value - Collaborate Fund (expired) (over a year ago) - The John Ellerman Foundation - Museums and Galleries Fundon - Museums and Galleries Fund (expired) (over a year ago) - Year Two of the Fife Communities Mental Health and Wellbeing Fund is now OPEN for applications (expired) (over a year ago) - Community Warm Spaces Fund (expired) (over a year ago) - The Commonwealth Foundation (Health, environment and climate change, and freedom of expression) (expired) (over a year ago) - The Family Recovery Initiative Fund (expired) (over a year ago) - Grants of £300 available to volunteer-run creative groups in Scotland this winter (expired) (over a year ago) - Commonwealth Foundation (civil society and government) (expired) (over a year ago) - Edge Fund (civil justice) (expired) (over a year ago) - Shared Care Scotland's Short Breaks Fund: Better Breaks (expired) (over a year ago) - Ross and Liddell - Community Bursary Programme (expired) (over a year ago) - The Alice MacCosh Trust (Advancing education on natural history and/or the environment) (expired) (over a year ago) - The Happiness Fund (expired) (over a year ago) - Electrical Safety Fund (expired) (over a year ago) - Tesco Community Grants (expired) (over a year ago) - British Science Association - Kick Start Grants (expired) (over a year ago) - £170,000 funding up for grabs for West Fife communities (expired) (over a year ago) - Local Energy Scotland - Let’s Do Net Zero Community Buildings (expired) (over a year ago) - FCC Scottish Action Fund (expired) (over a year ago) - British Science Association - Community Grants (expired) (over a year ago) - Asda Foundation - Cost of Living Grant (expired) (over a year ago) - The Rural and Island Communities Ideas into Action Fund (expired) (over a year ago) - Community Mental Health and Wellbeing Supports and Services: Short term funding for October 2022 – June 2023 (expired) (over a year ago) - Bank of Scotland Foundation - Reach (expired) (over a year ago) - Service brief for Radernie rehabilitation and community-based care (third sector service) (expired) (over a year ago) - The Jeans for Genes Grant Programme (expired) (over a year ago) - Austin and Hope Pilkington Trust (The Arts - BAME Communities) (expired) (over a year ago) - The Prince's Countryside Fund - Supporting Rural Communities (expired) (over a year ago) - The Linnean Society - Our Local Nature Grant Scheme (expired) (over a year ago) - NEW Cost-of-Living Grants Fund - Phase 1 applications are open between 1st and 16th September (expired) (over a year ago) - Cost of living grant for older people (expired) (over a year ago) - Discover Digital: Inclusion and Participation Grants (expired) (over a year ago) - Crown Estate Fund: Benefiting coastal communities (expired) (over a year ago) - Community Led and Improving Lives to remain open (expired) (over a year ago) - KFC Foundation Community Grants Programme (expired) (over a year ago) - Bank of Scotland Foundation - Change (expired) (over a year ago) - The Community Learning and Development Digital Device Fund (expired) (over a year ago) - Paths for All - The Smarter Choices Smarter Place Open Fund (expired) (over a year ago) - The Scottish Government - Childcare Sector Representation and Sustainability Fund (expired) (over a year ago) - Paths for All - Ian Findlay Path Fund (expired) (over a year ago) - Rural Fife Development Fund is Open (expired) (over a year ago) - The Santander Foundation Grants Programme: Financial & Digital Empowerment Fund (expired) (over a year ago) - Rural Fife Development Fund (expired) (over a year ago) - Community Learning and Development Device Fund (expired) (over a year ago) - Support in Mind Scotland - Rural Community Engagement Fund (expired) (over a year ago) - Encouraging and Supporting Grassroots Activity Fund (dementia) (expired) (over a year ago) - Scottish EDGE20 (expired) (over a year ago) - Sustrans Scotland - Places for Everyone (expired) (over a year ago) - Closure of Community Led and Improving Lives programmes (expired) (over a year ago) - EST - Plugged-in Communities Grant Fund (expired) (over a year ago) - ASH Scotland - Small Grants (expired) (over a year ago) - UK Overseas Territories Fund (expired) (over a year ago) - Gambling Education and Prevention Small Action Fund (expired) (over a year ago) - Austin and Hope Pilkington Trust (The Arts & BAME Communities) (expired) (over a year ago) - ScottishPower Foundation (expired) (over a year ago) - Support for organisations making the transition to carbon net zero (expired) (over a year ago) - Foundation Scotland's New Digital Hub (expired) (over a year ago) - Children, Young People, Families and Adult Learning Third Sector Fund (expired) (over a year ago) - Scottish Government - Cashback for Communities (expired) (over a year ago) - The Community Ownership Fund (expired) (over a year ago) - TownsWeb Archiving Digitisation Grant (expired) (over a year ago) - The MSE Charity (Financial literacy, consumer or debt issue advice) (expired) (over a year ago) - The Institute Of Physics - Public Engagement Grant (expired) (over a year ago) - Ufi Charitable Trust - VocTech Seed (expired) (over a year ago) - Let’s Do Net Zero Community Buildings Fund (expired) (over a year ago) - Up to £2,000 available to support great ideas in Fife (expired) (over a year ago) - UK Government - Community Ownership Fund (expired) (over a year ago) - SURF Awards (expired) (over a year ago) - Fife Housing Group - Giving Something Back Grants (expired) (over a year ago) - The 7stars Foundation's Project fund (Young people) (expired) (over a year ago) - Bank of Scotland - Reach (Disadvantage and social exclusion) (expired) (over a year ago) - Robertson Trust (expired) (over a year ago) - Garfield Weston Foundation Grants (expired) (over a year ago) - The Scottish Government - Investing in Communities Fund (expired) (over a year ago) - Big Give's Christmas Challenge (expired) (over a year ago) - Start it - £5000 for small social enterprises (expired) (over a year ago) - Chance to Flourish (supporting vulnerable children, young people and families) (expired) (over a year ago) - Chance to Flourish (supporting vulnerable children, young people and families) (expired) (over a year ago) - Small Grant Opportunity for Third Sector Organisations – Stakeholder Engagement (expired) (over a year ago) - Essentia Foundation (children and young people) (expired) (over a year ago) - Rosa - Stand With Us fund (expired) (over a year ago) - The Big Give - Christmas Challenge (expired) (over a year ago) - The Movement for Good Awards (expired) (over a year ago) - Energy Saving Trust - Energy Redress Scheme (expired) (over a year ago) - Fuel grant for former coal miners worth £200 (expired) (over a year ago) - Gordon and Ena Baxter Foundation (expired) (over a year ago) - FCC Scottish Action Fund (expired) (over a year ago) - Force for Change (expired) (over a year ago) - Inspiring Scotland - Workforce Wellbeing fund (expired) (over a year ago) - The Weavers' Company Benevolent Fund (expired) (over a year ago) - Magic Little Grants (expired) (over a year ago) - SSE's Royal London Changemaker's Programme - £20,000 funding (expired) (over a year ago) - Armed Forces Covenant Fund - Reaching and Supporting Armed Forces Communities (expired) (over a year ago) - Museums Galleries Scotland - Museum Development Fund (expired) (over a year ago) - Museums Galleries Scotland - Small Grants Fund (expired) (over a year ago) - Small Sparks (Helping helps people to do new and exciting things in their community) (expired) (over a year ago) - Take a Break - Short breaks fund for carers of disabled children, young people and their families (expired) (over a year ago) - National Lottery Awards (expired) (over a year ago) - Paths for All - Walking for Health Fund (expired) (over a year ago) - ASH Scotland - Small Grants (expired) (over a year ago) - The ALLIANCE - Self Management Fund (expired) (over a year ago) - Nationwide Community Grant (expired) (over a year ago) - Workforce Wellbeing Fund for Adult Social Work and Social Care (expired) (over a year ago) - Austin and Hope Pilkington Trust (expired) (over a year ago) - Localgiving - Local Hero (expired) (over a year ago) - Historic Environment Scotland - Heritage andPlace Programme (expired) (over a year ago) - The Triangle Trust 1949 Trust - Young Carers Grants (expired) (over a year ago) - Support in Mind Scotland - Rural Community Engagement Fund (expired) (over a year ago) - Shared Care Scotland - Short Breaks Fund, Creative Breaks (expired) (over a year ago) - Edina Trust - Bulb Project (expired) (over a year ago) - Heart Research UK - HRUK and Subway Healthy Hearts Grants (expired) (over a year ago) - Community Mental Health and Wellbeing Supports and Services Framework Funding Opportunities (expired) (over a year ago) - Supporting Rural Communities Fund (expired) (over a year ago) - Foundation Scotland's Baillie Gifford Multi-Year Awards (expired) (over a year ago) - Thomas Wall trust - £5000 for life skills and employability projects (expired) (over a year ago) - Skills Development Scotland - Flexible Workforce Development Fund (expired) (over a year ago) - Historic Environment Scotland - Heritage and Place Programme (expired) (over a year ago) - The Road Safety Trust Grants (expired) (over a year ago) - The Triangle Trust - Young Carers Grants (expired) (over a year ago) - Aldi - Scottish Sport Fund - Central Scotland and Fife (expired) (over a year ago) - Closure of Community Led and Improving Lives programmes (expired) (over a year ago) - Localgiving - Magic Little Grants (expired) (over a year ago) - Arnold Clark Community Fund (expired) (over a year ago) - FCC Scottish Action Fund (expired) (over a year ago) - Creative Scotland - Recovery Fund for Cultural Organisations (expired) (over a year ago) - Covid-19 Residential Outdoor Education Centre Recovery Fund (expired) (over a year ago) - Bank of Scotland - Reach programme (expired) (over a year ago) - The Prince’s Countryside Fund (expired) (over a year ago) - The Scottish Government, Lantra Scotland & SkillSeeder - Climate Change Fund (expired) (over a year ago) - Bank of Scotland Foundation - Invest (supporting charities with recovery from Covid-19) (expired) (over a year ago) - UK Youth Fund: Thriving Minds (expired) (over a year ago) - Flexible Workforce Development Fund (expired) (over a year ago) - National Transition Training Fund (expired) (over a year ago) - Employability Services Flexible Dynamic Purchasing System (expired) (over a year ago) - Chance to Flourish (for vulnerable children, young people, and families) (expired) (over a year ago) - National Lottery funding progamme guide for Scotland (expired) (over a year ago) - UnLtd Awards offers £5000 - £15,000 to social enterprise start-ups (expired) (over a year ago) - Digital Xtra fund - supports digital training (expired) (over a year ago) - New Tech Lending Community Fund (expired) (over a year ago) - Bank of Scotland Foundation - Reach Programme (expired) (over a year ago) - Investing in Communities Fund - re-launch expected in April 2022 (expired) (over a year ago) - People's Health Trust - Active Communities Programme (expired) (over a year ago) - Museums Galleries Scotland - Museums Recovery Fund (expired) (over a year ago) - People's Health Trust - Health Lottery Scotland Active Communities (expired) (over a year ago) - Foundation Scotland - Wild Salmonid Support Fund (expired) (over a year ago) - Edinburgh Airport Community Fund - £100,000 for local Communities (expired) (over a year ago) - Agnes Hunter trust - £3000 grants for Health and Social Welfare projects (expired) (over a year ago) - The Weaver's Company - £15,000 to support young offenders (expired) (over a year ago) - Volant Charitable Trust's Grants programme (expired) (over a year ago) Suggest an update/report an error/enquire about this page
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