Home About FVA Volunteering Directory Contact Us News/Events supporting, developing and representing community groups, voluntary organisations, social enterprises and volunteering
FVA news - News and Events Older, archived items that may be of interest: - 2023 Voluntary Sector and Volunteering Awards: The Winners (expired) (over a year ago) - Volunteer Tribute Event (expired) (over a year ago) - Voluntary Sector and Volunteering Awards: Shortlisted individuals (expired) (over a year ago) - Voluntary Sector and Volunteering Awards: Shortlisted organisations (expired) (over a year ago) - Year 3 of Communities Mental Health and Wellbeing Fund confirmed by the Scottish Government (expired) (over a year ago) - New opportunity available to influence and improve local health and social care delivery (expired) (over a year ago) - Volunteering and Voluntary Sector Awards - Less than ONE week left to nominate! (expired) (over a year ago) - Health & Social Care Director's monthly staff briefing - March 2023 (expired) (over a year ago) - Communities Mental Health and Wellbeing Fund - Year 1 - list of projects awarded in 2021-2022 (expired) (over a year ago) - New members sought for key voluntary sector group (expired) (over a year ago) - Fife's prestigious Volunteering and Voluntary Sector Awards are returning for 2023! (expired) (over a year ago) - Want to be recognised for being good at involving volunteers? Apply for the Volunteer Friendly Award! (expired) (over a year ago) - Keen to deliver services from Dunfermline city centre? (expired) (over a year ago) - Our Minds Matter Short-Term Community Grants (expired) (over a year ago) - FVA Christmas and New Year closures 2022/23 (expired) (over a year ago) - Warm Spaces in Fife (expired) (over a year ago) - Our annual volunteer Christmas lunch! (expired) (over a year ago) - FVA receives award of recognition for a decade of hard work and commitment to Fife communities (expired) (over a year ago) - Showcasing Fife’s dynamic employability sector at Know Your Network 2022 (expired) (over a year ago) - Tell us about your health and social care job opportunities! (expired) (over a year ago) - Community Warm Spaces Fund (expired) (over a year ago) - Year Two of the Fife Communities Mental Health and Wellbeing Fund is now OPEN for applications (expired) (over a year ago) - Latest headlines from across Fife's health and social care sector (expired) (over a year ago) - Bank holiday announced for Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II’s State Funeral on Monday 19 September (expired) (over a year ago) - Confirmation of Year 2 of the Fife Communities Mental Health and Wellbeing Fund (expired) (over a year ago) - Working for Fife 2021: A review of third sector employability pathway services in Fife (expired) (over a year ago) - Health & Social Care Director's August staff briefing (expired) (over a year ago) - Support for Ukrainians (expired) (over a year ago) - Appointments for Ukrainian refugees arriving in Fife access to a large choice of donated items. (expired) (over a year ago) - Barnardo’s Fife achieves the Volunteer Friendly Award (expired) (over a year ago) - FVA closes on 03 June 2022 (expired) (over a year ago) - Volunteers' Week 2022! (expired) (over a year ago) - How volunteering helped me to start a new life (expired) (over a year ago) - Young client gains confidence and purpose through volunteering (expired) (over a year ago) - How volunteering and my caring role helped improve my CV (expired) (over a year ago) - View the funded recipients from Year 1 of the Fife Communities Mental Health and Wellbeing Fund (expired) (over a year ago) - Growing Peer Practice in Fife (Trish's blog post) (expired) (over a year ago) - £15m announced for Year 2 of the Communities Mental Health and Wellbeing Fund (expired) (over a year ago) - Mental Health Awareness Week and Volunteering: Case study 3 (expired) (over a year ago) - Mental Health Awareness Week and Volunteering: Case study 2 (expired) (over a year ago) - Mental Health Awareness Week and Volunteering: Case study 1 (expired) (over a year ago) - Fifers encouraged to become Volunteer Ambassadors for The 150th Open, St. Andrews (expired) (over a year ago) - FVA closes for Early May Bank Holiday (expired) (over a year ago) - Celebrating the shortlisted nominees of the Fife Civic Recognition Awards! (expired) (over a year ago) - Health and Social Care Director's March's staff briefing (expired) (over a year ago) - Additional funding for the Fife Communities Mental Health and Wellbeing Fund (expired) (over a year ago) - Fifers and organisations awarded their Fife Civic Recognition Award certificates (expired) (over a year ago) - Afghan donations update AND could some of your clients benefit from Fife’s generosity? (expired) (over a year ago) - Urgent request for social care support - request from Nicky Connor (expired) (over a year ago) - FVA opening times during Christmas and New Year (expired) (over a year ago) - The Lived Experience Team achieve gold at the Fife Business Diversity Awards 2021 (expired) (over a year ago) - Round 2 of the Fife Communities Mental Health and Wellbeing Fund is now open for applications (expired) (over a year ago) - Fife Communities Mental Health and Wellbeing Fund is now open for applications (expired) (over a year ago) - Funding for unpaid carers in Fife to take a break (expired) (over a year ago) - Young Carers - Time for Me fund launches (expired) (over a year ago) - Lived Experience Team launches new webpage and issues call for volunteers with experience of mental health challenges (expired) (over a year ago) - FVA receives Cyber Essentials certification (expired) (over a year ago) - Afghan Humanitarian Crisis: a Fife update (expired) (over a year ago) - Excellent progress being made with sorting donations - thanks to FVA staff and terrific volunteers (expired) (over a year ago) - Fifers step up to support Afghan families with overwhelming response (expired) (over a year ago) - Donations for Afghan families coming to Fife (expired) (over a year ago) - Afghan Refugee Crisis: Council, FVA and partners co-ordinating offers of help (expired) (over a year ago) - Happy 1st birthday to Fife’s Mental Health Peer Support Network! (expired) (over a year ago) - FVA launches new Step into Volunteering training programme (expired) (over a year ago) - Working for Fife survey (expired) (over a year ago) - Volunteers' Week 2021 (01 - 07 June) (expired) (over a year ago) - Kingdom FM Action Week - Fifers encouraged to tell their COVID stories (expired) (over a year ago) - Helping Hand service stands down as Scotland moves out of lockdown (expired) (over a year ago) - Coalition of children's charities push parties to make family support a right (expired) (over a year ago) - FVA will close for Early May Bank Holiday on 03 May 2021 (expired) (over a year ago) - Carer Representatives wanted! (expired) (over a year ago) - FVA supports Disability Sport Fife (expired) (over a year ago) - FVA is supporting CCPS's Family Support campaign (expired) (over a year ago) - Step into Volunteering! New training for those looking to volunteer (expired) (over a year ago) - Join our Befriending Forum mailing list! (expired) (over a year ago) - FVA launches new Befriending Resilience project for befriending organisations in Fife (expired) (over a year ago) - Awards launched for pandemic heroes in Fife (expired) (over a year ago) - Your Story, Your Community - Tell your story of living through the covid-19 pandemic! (expired) (over a year ago) - Helping Hand re-opens to help Fifers in lockdown (expired) (over a year ago) - Footcare Fife volunteers get into the festive spirit (expired) (over a year ago) - New Head of Volunteering Development at FVA (expired) (over a year ago) - FVA will close over Christmas and New Year (expired) (over a year ago) - Fife's Third Sector Locality Forums announcement (expired) (over a year ago) - Prescription Delivery and Shopping Support service to close in August (expired) (over a year ago) - Guest Blog - Kindness (Maggie Wright) (expired) (over a year ago) - Prescription medicine delivery service - for priority and vulnerable patients (expired) (over a year ago) - Give FVA a Helping Hand - donate to our Crowdfunder to help Fifers in need (expired) (over a year ago) - FVA Forums and training/learning courses have been cancelled until further notice (expired) (over a year ago) - FVA launches Helping Hand register to support Fifers through COVID-19 crisis (expired) (over a year ago) - 12 indoor ideas for Mother’s Day 2020 amid coronavirus outbreak (expired) (over a year ago) - Impact of Coronavirus - Join FVA to consider a third sector response (expired) (over a year ago) - Stroke Association - Have your say for stroke (expired) (over a year ago) - Mental Health Peer Support Network Coordinator appointed (expired) (over a year ago) - Small Sparks comes to Glenrothes and South and West Fife (expired) (over a year ago) - FVA Capacity Building - Upcoming Courses (expired) (over a year ago) - Festive Family Food and Fun (expired) (over a year ago) - Today is Carers Rights Day! - 21 November 2019 (expired) (over a year ago) - Kingdom Community Bank - Now an accredited Living Wage employer! (expired) (over a year ago) - Volunteer manager training series - boost your skills for free (expired) (over a year ago) - Development of Peer Support in Fife over next 18 months - FVA bid to Self Management Fund successful (expired) (over a year ago) - Fife Business Week 2019 – fantastic free events for third sector organisations (expired) (over a year ago) - Fife Funders Fayre - 06 November 2019 (expired) (over a year ago) - Family Food and Fun Glenrothes - sessions back for October holidays (expired) (over a year ago) - Involving people with Lived Experience as Volunteers - Good Practice Guide (expired) (over a year ago) - Volunteering while claiming benefits - guidance now published on GOV.UK (expired) (over a year ago) - PVG Disclosure Bill update (expired) (over a year ago) - Mental Health Forum refresh (expired) (over a year ago) - Volunteer manager training series - boost your skills for free (expired) (over a year ago) - Volunteering for All - a framework for Scotland (expired) (over a year ago) - Working for Fife 2018 (expired) (over a year ago) - Summer Family Food and Fun in Glenrothes (expired) (over a year ago) - Know Your Network 2019 (expired) (over a year ago) - Community Justice Forum: ACE and Trauma (expired) (over a year ago) - 5 Successful Years for Footcare Fife! (expired) (over a year ago) - Volunteers and voluntary organisations honoured at Fife Awards Ceremony 2019 (expired) (over a year ago) - Cyber Security - An Introduction (expired) (over a year ago) - Trustee Event: Meet the Experts (expired) (over a year ago) - Delivering Differently final report launched at the Joint Mental Health and Employability Forum yesterday (expired) (over a year ago) - Joint Mental Health and Employability Forum - 15 May 2019 (expired) (over a year ago) - Rare opportunity - private office space available (expired) (over a year ago) - ** Reminder ** Last day to get your nominations in for Fife Voluntary Action’s Awards 2019 (expired) (over a year ago) - Cyber Resilience in Fife's Third Sector - Online Survey (Deadline Extended) (expired) (over a year ago) - FVA seeks new Board members (expired) (over a year ago) - FVA's Glenrothes office is moving! (expired) (over a year ago) - FRASAC become Volunteer Friendly! (expired) (over a year ago) - Passionate or interested in good community engagement? (expired) (over a year ago) - FVA has a new virtual address! (expired) (over a year ago) - Know Your Network 2018 (expired) (over a year ago) - Board opportunities with FVA (expired) (over a year ago) - Health Inequalities and Employment inextricably linked according to new Fife research (expired) (over a year ago) - Fife Voluntary Action delighted at interest in Delivering Differently pilot fund (expired) (over a year ago) - New members being sought for Fife's Third Sector Strategy Group (expired) (over a year ago) - Fife Voluntary Action Celebrate Prestigious Awards Ceremony 2018 (expired) (over a year ago) - Report Launch - A job worth doing: A brief research report into the role of Fife’s third sector as an employer (expired) (over a year ago) - Want to be the first to hear about new volunteering opportunities? (expired) (over a year ago) - How FVA are Celebrating 2018 Volunteer’s Week - Friday 01 to Thursday 07 June (expired) (over a year ago) - Delivering Differently launch co-design sessions for pilot fund (expired) (over a year ago) - How are YOU celebrating Volunteers’ Week? Tell us so we can tell everyone else! (expired) (over a year ago) - Deadline for FVA's Voluntary Sector and Volunteering Awards 27 April! (expired) (over a year ago) - Survey for those who deliver services to children under 12 years old (expired) (over a year ago) - FVA launches GDPR (data protection) Toolkit for third sector organisations (expired) (over a year ago) - Data Protection/GDPR resources (expired) (over a year ago) - Rare opportunity - office space for rent at New Volunteer House, Kirkcaldy (expired) (over a year ago) - Big funding cuts proposed for children's services in Fife (expired) (over a year ago) - Nominations open for Fife Voluntary Action’s Awards 2018 (expired) (over a year ago) - Mental Health and Work Indicator Training *new dates added* (expired) (over a year ago) - Fife Voluntary Action lead on mental health and employability workshops for Delivering Differently (expired) (over a year ago) - Can Fifers trust charities? (expired) (over a year ago) - Delivering Differently for Mental Health in Fife - #timetotalk (expired) (over a year ago) - New training sessions: Managing People/Being a Good Employer (expired) (over a year ago) - FVA launches new FifeConnect networking/sharing events for frontline staff (expired) (over a year ago) - FVA brief on Universal Credit *Updated November 2017* (expired) (over a year ago) - Launch of Third Sector Strategy for Fife! 30 November, Rothes Halls (expired) (over a year ago) - Interview with Charlotte Liddell, the First Minister's First Mentee (expired) (over a year ago) - Interview with Charlotte Liddell, the First Minister's First Mentee, part 2 (expired) (over a year ago) - Read (and subscribe to) the latest Volunteering in Fife Bulletin (expired) (over a year ago) - Volunteer Managers - take our SHORT survey! (expired) (over a year ago) - Fife Chamber of Commerce raises funds for local charities (expired) (over a year ago) - FVA launches the Third Sector Community Justice Forum (expired) (over a year ago) - Read the latest Volunteering in Fife Bulletin (expired) (over a year ago) - Brexit - do you have concerns for the third sector in Fife? (expired) (over a year ago) - DEADLINE EXTENDED: Third Sector as Employers Research - Strengthen the third sector's collective voice (expired) (over a year ago) - FVA launches online directory of employability services in Fife (expired) (over a year ago) - FVA Guide to Apprenticeships (expired) (over a year ago) - The Winners - Fife's Volunteering and Voluntary Sector Awards 2017 (expired) (over a year ago) - Get on Board! Become a volunteer trustee (expired) (over a year ago) - FVA’s Volunteers' Week Activities and Events (1-7 June) (expired) (over a year ago) - Third sector infrastructure: Scottish Government Review (expired) (over a year ago) - Brief report of FVA activity: 2016-17 (expired) (over a year ago) - Have Your Say: FVA and third sector support in Scotland (expired) (over a year ago) - Cyber security - a growing threat to the third sector (expired) (over a year ago) - New Volunteer House, Kirkcaldy: Last office now gone! (expired) (over a year ago) - Fife's Third Sector and Volunteering Awards Update (expired) (over a year ago) - Pink Saltire moves to New Volunteer House (expired) (over a year ago) - Nominations open for Fife Voluntary Action’s Awards 2017 (expired) (over a year ago) - (Last few places) Fife's Third Sector: Towards a Fairer Fife Conference (expired) (over a year ago) - Awards celebrate success of young people with disabilities and health issues (expired) (over a year ago) - FVA's Joanna Clark reflects on 'gathering the threads' in blog (expired) (over a year ago) - New support for Fife's Credit Unions (expired) (over a year ago) - New Volunteer House in Kirkcaldy Now Open! (expired) (over a year ago) - FVA to host workshops on Community Empowerment Act (expired) (over a year ago) - Looking for affordable room hire? (expired) (over a year ago) - Over 50% of young people in Scotland volunteering (expired) (over a year ago) - Support for Volunteer Managers (expired) (over a year ago) - Fife Partnership pledge to work towards a Fairer Fife (expired) (over a year ago) - Guardbridge Community Council consults residents (expired) (over a year ago) - Fife befriending story covered on STV (expired) (over a year ago) - Fifers celebrate thousands of hours of befriending (expired) (over a year ago) - FVA launches new Mentors in Work project (expired) (over a year ago) - New Employability Services Directory for Fife (expired) (over a year ago) - Fife Voluntary Action Training for Volunteer Managers (expired) (over a year ago) - Trustee opportunity with Fife Voluntary Action (expired) (over a year ago) - New Volunteer House services move to Forth House, Kirkcaldy (expired) (over a year ago) - £10K available to help give carers in Fife a break (expired) (over a year ago) - Sandy Riddell to attend FVA Third Sector Health and Social Care Forum (expired) (over a year ago) - Fife’s biggest celebration of the voluntary sector recognises hard work (expired) (over a year ago) - 12-day celebration of volunteering begins next week (expired) (over a year ago) - Win a Big BIG Bear! (expired) (over a year ago) - Where's Volly? A fun and informative social media follow for Volunteers' Week (expired) (over a year ago) - Want to be the first to hear about new volunteering opportunities in Fife? (expired) (over a year ago) - Volunteer Managers' Forum - Cupar (expired) (over a year ago) - FVA says a fond farewell to long serving staff (expired) (over a year ago) - Free poster and leaflet template for Volunteers' Week (expired) (over a year ago) - Fife's Voluntary Sector working closely with Police Scotland (expired) (over a year ago) - Nominations open for Fife Voluntary Action’s Awards 2016 (expired) (over a year ago) - The “Big Move“ - But Business as Usual (expired) (over a year ago) - Building For The Future – FVA premises in Kirkcaldy undergo major renovation (expired) (over a year ago) - FVA Report - Working for Fife 2015 (expired) (over a year ago) - FVA Festive Opening Times (expired) (over a year ago) - Still time to book for the Volunteer Managers’ Forum, 1st December! (expired) (over a year ago) - Creating a Healthier Scotland - be part of the conversation (expired) (over a year ago) - Surgery dates for Health and Socia Care Integration Consultation (expired) (over a year ago) - Are you a voluntary organisation in South West Fife? (expired) (over a year ago) - We've launched a new FREEPHONE number! (expired) (over a year ago) - Third sector response to Creating a Fairer Scotland Employability Discussion Paper (expired) (over a year ago) - Fife Voluntary Action Joins Push for Fairer Scotland (expired) (over a year ago) - FVA’s ‘friendly face’ Isabel retires after 16 years of service (expired) (over a year ago) - New charity ‘hub’ takes over unique Kirkcaldy building (expired) (over a year ago) - Fife Voluntary Action's office in Kirkcaldy is moving! (expired) (over a year ago) - FVA Awards 2015 - print-quality photos available to order now (expired) (over a year ago) - FVA photo competition shows 'volunteering at its best' (expired) (over a year ago) - Equality Participation Network Meeting (expired) (over a year ago) - Volunteers’ Week 2015 – events across Fife 1-7 June (expired) (over a year ago) - Photo Competition - win an iPad! (expired) (over a year ago) - Volunteer Recruitment Fairs - book your space now! (expired) (over a year ago) - “Making Local Choice a Reality” Self-Directed Support Conference, 27 May 2015 (expired) (over a year ago) - We need your nominations! Only a few days left to vote for your local heroes (expired) (over a year ago) - Nominations open: Fife Voluntary Action Awards 2015 (expired) (over a year ago) - Forging Connections with Fife’s Voluntary Sector Children’s Services Forum (expired) (over a year ago) - More support for Supported Volunteering! (expired) (over a year ago) - Fife Voluntary Action Saddened at Loss (expired) (over a year ago) - Cash available for Fife’s unpaid Carers (expired) (over a year ago) - Don’t miss out - Voluntary Sector Children's Services Forum Networking Event (expired) (over a year ago) - Joint Employability & third sector Health & Social Care Forum (expired) (over a year ago) - Fife Voluntary Action Celebrates Living Wage Commitment (expired) (over a year ago) - New funding for Self-Directed Support in Scotland (expired) (over a year ago) - Voluntary Sector Hubs (expired) (over a year ago) - Voluntary Sector Hub Viewing (expired) (over a year ago) - Fife Voluntary Action Volunteering and Voluntary Sector Awards 2014 (expired) (over a year ago) - Notes and Presentations from Fife Employability Forum held on Wednesday 20 August 2014 (expired) (over a year ago) - Fife Council Funding Review: FVA Workshops (expired) (over a year ago) - Fife Third Sector Awards Ceremony - Nominate Now! (expired) (over a year ago) - Third Sector Intelligence Gathering (expired) (over a year ago) - Help create Fife’s new Equalities Hub (expired) (over a year ago) - Fife Employability Forum, Wednesday 30 April 2014, Summary and Presentations (expired) (over a year ago) - Health and Social Care Event, Friday 24 January 2014 (expired) (over a year ago) - Third Sector Employability Consortium update (expired) (over a year ago) - Information Sharing Event (expired) (over a year ago) - Fife Employability Forum 29 January 2014 - Slides and Notes (expired) (over a year ago) - New Development - Family Nurture Hub (expired) (over a year ago) Suggest an update/report an error/enquire about this page
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